A • B •C • D •E • F •G •H •I •J •K •L •M •N •O •P •Q •R •S •T •U •V •W •X • Y • Z
Windows Interface Language (WIL) is an easy-to-use yet very powerful general-purpose programming language with over 500 functions for file management, sending keystrokes, disk drive management, directory management, binary file access, multimedia support, DDE support, clipboard handling, system control, program management, string handling, displaying information, user prompting, window management, floating point & integer arithmetic, execution control and more. Many operations that require pages of code in other programming languages can be accomplished with a single WIL function call. |
§ Step by step guide to learning WIL § Notes
About( )
Displays the About message box.
Abs( integer )
Returns the absolute value of a number.
Acos( fp_num )
Calculates the arccosine.
AddExtender( filename [,version [,alternatefilename]] )
Installs a WIL extender Dll.
AppExist( program-name [, flags [, retries]] )
Tells if an application is running.
AppWaitClose( program-name [, flags [, retries]])
Suspends WIL program execution until a specified application has been closed.
ArrayFileGet( filename [, null-char [, extra-alloc]] )
Converts a file to a one-dimension array.
ArrayFileGetCsv( filename, flags [, delimiter [, extra-rows [, extra-cols]]] )
Converts a CSV file to a two-dimension array.
ArrayFilePut( filename, array [, write-undef] )
Writes a one-dimension array to a file.
ArrayFilePutCsv( filename, array [, delimiter [, write-undef [, flags ]]] )
Writes a two-dimension array to a file.
ArrayFromStr( string )
Accepts a text string and returns a one dimension array with one character per array element.
ArrayInsert( array, sub [, dim [, value]] )
Performs in-place insertion of an element into a single dimension array, or the in-place.
ArrayItemize( array [, delimiter] )
Converts an array to a delimited list.
Arrayize( list, delimiter )
Converts a delimited list to an array.
ArrayLocate( array, value, [sub1, [sub2, [sub3, [sub4, [sub5]]]]] )
Searches an array for an element that matches a value.
ArrayRedim( array, dim1 [, dim2 [, dim3 [, dim4 [, dim5 ] ] ] ] )
Changes array dimensions in-place.
ArrayRemove( array, sub, [ dim ] )
Performs in-place removal of an element from a single dimension array, or the in-place removal of a row or column from a two dimension array.
ArrayReverse( array, [, dimension ] )
Reverses the order of the elements in a WIL array or a variant safearray in place.
ArraySearch( array, value [, options [, search-column[, start-sub[, end-sub]]]] )
Searches a one or two dimension array for an element that matches a value.
ArraySlice(array, fist1, last1, [first2, last2, [first3, last4, [first4, last4, [first5, last5]]]] )
Returns subset of array elements.
ArraySort( array [, options [, sort-column [, start-sub [, end-sub]]]] )
Performs an in-place sort of arrays with one or two dimensions.
ArraySwapElements( array, subA1, subA2, subA3, subA4, subA5, subB1, subB2, subB3, subB4, subB5 )
Swaps elements in an array.
ArrayToStr( array )
Accepts a single dimension array and returns a text string constructed from the concatenation of each array element.
ArrDimension( dim1 [, dim2 [, dim3 [, dim4 [, dim5 ] ] ] ] )
Creates an array.
ArrInfo( array, request )
Gets information about an array.
ArrInitialize( array, value )
Initializes an array.
Asin( fp_num )
Calculates the arcsine.
AskColor( default-color, reg-key, format )
Displays a color selection dialog box, and returns the selected color.
AskDirectory( prompt, browse-root, start-dir, confirm-prompt, flags )
Displays a directory browse dialog box, and returns the selected directory name.
AskFileName( title, directory, filetypes, default filename, flag )
Returns the filename as selected by a FileOpen dialog box.
AskFileText( title, filename, sort mode, select mode [, selection-required] )
Allows the user to choose an item from a list box initialized with data from a file.
AskFont ( type, flags, reg-key, format )
Displays a font selection dialog box, and returns information on the selected font.
AskItemList( title, list, delimiter, sort mode, select mode [, selection-required] )
Allows the user to choose an item from a list box initialized with a list variable.
AskLine( title, prompt, default [,format] )
Lets the user enter a line of information.
AskPassword( title, prompt )
Prompts the user for a password.
AskTextBox( title, prompt, default, flags, reserved )
Prompts the user for multiple lines of input.
AskYesNo( title, question )
Lets the user choose from Yes, No, or Cancel.
Atan( fp_num )
Calculates the arc tangent.
Average( number [ ,number... ] )
Returns the average of a list of numbers.
Beeps at the user.
BinaryAlloc( buffsize )
Allocates a memory buffer of the desired size.
BinaryAllocArray( Array )
Allocates a memory buffer and copies the contents of an array.
BinaryAnd( target-handle, target-offset, source-handle, source-offset, count )
Performs a bitwise AND on portions of two binary buffers.
BinaryBufInfo( handle, request )
Returns information about the binary buffer.
BinaryCheckSum( handle, request )
Returns the MD5 digest (fingerprint) or simple CRC of a binary buffer.
BinaryClipGet( handle, format )
Reads the contents of the Windows clipboard into a binary buffer.
BinaryClipPut( handle, format [, preserve-data] )
Writes a binary buffer to the Windows clipboard.
BinaryCompare( handle1, offset1, handle2, offset2, count )
Compares portions of two binary buffers.
BinaryConvert( handle, source-type, target-type, code-page, flags )
Converts a binary buffer.
BinaryCopy( handle targ, offset targ, handle src, offset src, bytecount )
Copies bytes of data from one binary buffer to another.
BinaryEodGet( handle )
Returns the offset of the free byte just after the last byte of stored data.
BinaryEodSet( handle, offset )
Sets the EOD value of a buffer.
BinaryFree( handle )
Frees a buffer previously allocated with BinaryAlloc.
BinaryHashRec( handle, recsize, key offset, key size, key value )
Returns a pointer to a record in a binary buffer.
BinaryIncr( handle, offset )
Peeks at a 8 bit value, increments the value by 1 then
pokes the value back into the buffer.
BinaryIncr2( handle, offset )
Peeks at a 16-bit value, increments the value by 1 then
pokes the value back into the buffer.
BinaryIncr4( handle, offset )
Peeks at a 32-bit value, increments the value by 1
then pokes the value back into the buffer.
BinaryIncrFlt( handle, offset )
Increments a 64 bit floating point value, increments the value by 1
then pokes the value back into the buffer.
BinaryIndex( handle, offset, search string, direction )
Searches a buffer for a string.
BinaryIndexBin( handle, offset, item, direction, match-case )
Searches a buffer for an item. (includes nulls)
BinaryIndexEx( handle, offset, string, direction, match-case )
Searches a buffer for a string. This function is very similar to BinaryIndex and BinaryIndexNc, except this function will return -1, if the specified string was not found.
BinaryIndexNC( handle, offset, string, direction )
Searches a buffer for a string. (case insensitive)
BinaryOleType( handle, type,reserved- 1, reserved-2, reserved-3 )
Specifies how a binary buffer will be used by COM/OLE functions.
BinaryOr( target-handle,target-offset,source-handle,source-offset,count )
Performs a bitwise OR on portions of two binary buffers.
BinaryPeek( handle, offset )
Returns a 8 bit value from a binary buffer.
BinaryPeek2( handle, offset )
Returns a 16-bit value from a binary buffer.
BinaryPeek4( handle, offset )
Returns a 32-bit value from a binary buffer.
BinaryPeek8( handle, offset )
Returns a 64-bit value from a binary buffer.
BinaryPeekFlt( handle, offset )
Returns an 64 bit floating point value from a binary buffer.
BinaryPeekHex( handle, offset, count)
Extracts data from a binary buffer as a hex string.
BinaryPeekStr( handle, offset, maxsize )
Extracts a string from a binary buffer.
BinaryPeekStrW( handle, offset, maxsize [,reverse-bytes] )
Extracts a Unicode string from a binary buffer.
BinaryPoke( handle, offset, value )
Pokes a new value into a binary buffer at offset.
BinaryPoke2( handle, offset, value )
Pokes a new value into a binary buffer at offset. Pokes an 16-bit value.
BinaryPoke4( handle, offset, value )
Pokes a new value into a binary buffer at offset. Pokes an 32-bit value.
BinaryPoke8( handle, offset, value )
Pokes a new value into a binary buffer at offset. Pokes a huge number as a 64-bit value.
BinaryPokeFlt( handle, offset, value )
Pokes a new value into a binary buffer at offset. Pokes a 64 bit floating point number.
BinaryPokeHex( handle, offset, hex-string )
Writes data in a hex string form into a binary buffer.
BinaryPokeStr( handle, offset, string )
Writes a string into a binary buffer.
BinaryPokeStrW( handle, offset, string [, reverse-bytes] )
Writes a Unicode string into a binary buffer.
BinaryRead( handle, filename )
Reads a file into a binary buffer.
BinaryReadEx( handle, binary-offset, filename, file-offset, count )
Reads a portion of a file into a binary buffer.
BinaryReplace( bin-handle, search-string, replacement-string, match-case)
Replaces strings in a binary buffer.
BinarySort( handle, recsize, key offset, key size, flags )
Sorts records in a binary buffer.
BinaryStrCnt( handle, start-offset, end-offset, string )
Counts the occurrences of a string in some or all of a binary buffer.
BinaryTagExtr( tag-struct, flags)
Returns the text between the last-returned pair of binary tags.
BinaryTagFind( tag-struct )
Finds the next binary tag.
BinaryTagIndex( tag-struct, mode )
Returns the offset of a binary tag in a buffer.
BinaryTagInit( buffer, start-tag, end-tag )
Initializes a binary tag operation.
BinaryTagLen( tag-struct, mode )
Returns the length of a binary tag.
BinaryTagRepl( tag-struct, new-string )
Replaces a binary tag with text.
BinaryWrite( handle, filename )
Writes a binary buffer to a file.
BinaryWriteEx( handle, binary-offset, filename, file-offset, count )
Writes a portion of a binary buffer to a file.
BinaryXlate( data-buffer, table-buffer, mode )
Converts a binary buffer using a translation table.
BinaryXor( target-handle,target-offset,source-handle,source-offset,count )
Performs a bitwise XOR (exclusive OR) on portions of two binary buffers.
Used to exit a conditional flow control statement.
ButtonNames( ok-name, Cancel-name )
Changes the names of the buttons which appear in WIL dialogs.
Call( WIL filename, parameters )
Calls a WIL batch file as a subroutine.
Ceiling( fp_num )
Calculates the ceiling of a value.
Char2Num( string )
Returns the ANSI code of a string's first character.
ChrGetCodePage( request )
Gets the current code page.
ChrHexToString( hex-string )
Converts a hex string to a string.
ChrHexToUnicode( hex-string [,flag] )
Converts a hex string to a Unicode string.
ChrSetCodePage( code-page )
Sets the current WIL code page.
ChrStringToHex( string )
Converts a string to a Hex string.
ChrStringToUnicode( string )
Converts an ANSI string to a Unicode string.
ChrUnicodeToHex( Unicode-string [,flag] )
Converts a Unicode string to a Hex string.
ChrUnicodeToString( Unicode-string )
Converts a Unicode string to an ANSI string.
ClipAppend( string )
Appends a string to the end of the Clipboard.
ClipGet( )
Returns the Clipboard contents into a string.
ClipGetEx( format )
Returns the contents of the Windows clipboard in a specified format.
ClipHasFormat( format )
Determines if the clipboard contains a particular format.
ClipPut( string )
Replaces the Clipboard contents with a string.
ComputerNameGet( format )
Gets the name associated with the local computer.
ComputerNameSet( new-computername, format )
Sets the name associated with the local computer.
Transfers control to the beginning of a For or While loop or to a different case statement.
Cos( fp_num )
Calculates the cosine.
Cosh( fp_num )
Calculates the hyperbolic cosine.
CreateObject( progId, location)
Pseudonym for ObjectCreate. Creates and returns a reference to a COM/OLE object.
CurrentFile ( ) {*M}
Returns the filename of the selected item.
CurrFilePath( ) {*M}
Returns the path and full filename of the selected item.
CurrentPath( ) {*M}
Returns the path of the selected item.
DataCast( value, mode )
Converts or casts a value from one data type to another.
DDEExecute( channel, [commandstring] )
Sends commands to a DDE server application.
DDEInitiate( app name, topic name )
Opens a DDE channel.
DDEPoke( channel, item name, item value )
Sends data to a DDE server application.
DDERequest( channel, item name )
Gets data from a DDE server application.
DDETerminate( channel )
Closes a DDE channel.
DDETimeout( value in seconds )
Sets the DDE time-out value.
Debug( mode [, init-string] )
Turns the Debug mode on or off.
DebugData( string, string )
Writes data via the Windows OutputDebugString function
to the default destination.
DebugTrace ( requestcode [ ,parm1 [, parm2 ]] )
Controls and customizes the WIL debugging trace logs.
Decimals( #digits )
Sets the number of decimal points used with
floating point numbers.
Dialog( dialog-name [, ignore-flag] )
Displays a user-defined dialog box.
DialogControlGet( dialog-handle, control-name, request-code [, request-value] ) )
Returns text and state information associated with a control.
DialogControlSet( dialog-handle, control-name, request-code, set info )
Changes the text or appearance of a control.
DialogControlState( dialog-handle, control-name, request-code, style )
Changes a controls style or give control input focus.
DialogObject( dialog-handle, control-name, request-code, event-name/image-file, event-id )
Interacts with COM controls in a dialog callback procedure.
DialogProcOptions( dialog-handle, event-code, on-off-time )
Controls when the User-Defined-Callback procedure is called by its associated dialog.
DirAttrGet( [d:]path )
Gets directory attributes.
DirAttrGetEx( [d:]path )
Gets directory attributes (extended).
DirAttrSet( dir-list, settings )
Sets directory attributes.
DirAttrSetEx ( dir-list, attributes, mode )
Sets directory attributes (extended).
DirChange( [d:]path )
Changes the current directory.
DirExist( pathname )
Determines if a directory exists.
DirGet( )
Returns the current directory path.
DirHome( )
Returns the initial directory path.
DirInfoToArray( dir-list [, flags] )
Returns information on a set of directories, as an array.
DirItemize( dir-list )
Builds a list of directories.
DirMake( [d:]path )
Creates a new directory.
DirRemove( dir-list )
Removes an existing empty directory.
DirRename( [d:]oldpath, [d:]newpath )
Renames a directory.
DirScript( )
Returns the full directory path (without the filename) of the current WinBatch program.
DirSize( dir-name, flags [ ,format] )
This function returns the total size of a directory, including all files in the directory, and all files in all sub directories under the directory.
DirWindows( request# )
Returns the name of the Windows or Windows System directory.
DiskExist( drive letter )
Tests for the existence of a drive.
DiskFree( drive-list [, format] )
Finds the total available (unused) disk space on a group of drives.
DiskInfo( request# )
Returns information on the specified disk drive.
DiskScan( request# )
Returns a list of drives.
DiskSize ( request# [, format] )
Finds the total size of the specified drive(s).
DiskVolInfo( root-path, request# )
Returns information on a file system volume.
Display( seconds, title, text )
Momentarily displays a string.
DllCall( dllfilename/dllhandle, returntype:entrypoint [, paramtype:param..] )
Calls an external Dll.
DllCall Additional information
DllCallbackCreate( UDF-name, return-type, parameter-types )
Associates a user defined function or subroutine with a callback handle.
DllCallbackDestroy( handle )
Releases all resources associated with callback handle created by the DllCallbackCreate function.
DllCallCdecl( dllfilename/dllhandle, returntype:entrypoint [ ,paramtype:param... ] )
Calls an external DLL using the Cdecl calling convention.
DllFree( dllhandle )
Frees a Dll that was loaded via the DllLoad function.
DllHinst( partial-winname )
Obtains an application instance handle for use in DllCall's when required.
DllHwnd( partial-winname )
Obtains a window handle for use in DllCall's when required.
Returns the most recent error returned by a DllCall to a Win32 API.
DllLoad( dllname )
Loads a Dll for later use via the DllCall function.
DllStructAlloc( member-descriptor [, memory-address ] )
Create a Dll Structure handle to an entry in the WIL Structure descriptor table.
DllStructFree( structure-handle )
Frees all resources associated with a DLL structure handle.
DllStructPeek( structure-handle, member-name )
Retrieves the value of a member of a DLL structure represented by a structure handle.
DllStructPoke( structure-handle, member-name, member-value )
Set the value of a member of a Dll structure represented by a structure handle.
DOSVersion( level )
Returns the version numbers of the current version of DOS.
Drop( varname [,varname...] )
Deletes variables to recover their memory.
DropWild( variable/wildcard )
Removes variables from memory.
EndSession( )
Ends the current Windows session.
Environment( env-variable )
Gets a DOS environment variable.
EnvironSet( env-varname, newvalue )
Changes LOCAL Environment variables.
EnvItemize( )
Returns a delimited list of the current environment.
ErrorEvent( severity, error-code, error-message )
Causes a user-defined error.
ErrorMode( mode )
Sets what happens in the event of an error.
Exclusive( mode )
Controls whether or not other Windows programs wil
get any time to execute.
Directly executes a WIL statement.
ExeTypeInfo( exefilename )
Returns an integer describing the type of EXE file specified.
Unconditionally ends a WIL program.
Exp( fp_num )
Calculates the exponential.
Fabs( fp_num )
Calculates the absolute value of a floating-point argument.
FileAppend( source-list, destination )
Appends one or more files to another file.
FileAttrGet( filename )
Returns file attributes.
FileAttrGetEx( filename )
Returns file attributes (extended).
FileAttrSet( file-list, settings )
Sets file attributes.
FileAttrSetEx( file-list, attributes, mode)
Sets file attributes (extended).
FileBaseName( filename [, flag])
Extracts the base filename from a full file path.
FileClose( filehandle )
Closes a file.
FileCompare( filename1, filename2 )
Compares two files.
FileCopy( source-list, destination, warning )
Copies files.
FileCopyAttr( source-list, destination, warning , attributes)
Copies files, and sets file attributes.
FileCreateTemp( prefix )
Creates a temporary file.
FileDelete( file-list )
Deletes files.
FileDigest( filename, algorithm, format )
Computes a message digest (hash) for a file.
FileEncoding( filename )
Determines the likely character set encoding of a text file.
FileExist( filename )
Test for the existence of files.
FileExtension( filename )
Returns the extension of a file.
FileFullName( partial filename )
Returns a file name with drive and path information.
FileGet(filename [, null-char])
Converts a file to a string variable.
FileGetW(filename [, null-char])
Converts a file to a Unicode string variable.
FileInfoToArray( file-list [, flags])
Returns information on a set of files, as an array.
FileItemize( file-list )
Builds a list of files.
FileItemPath( file-list )
Returns a delimited list of file paths
FileLocate( filename )
Finds a file within the current DOS path.
FileLockItemize( filename [,flags] )
Returns delimited list of filenames of processes locking a file.
FileMapName( filename, mapping-data )
Transforms a filename with a file wild-card mask and returns a new filename.
FileMove( source-list, destination, warning )
Moves files to another set of path names.
FileMoveAttr( source-list, destination, warning )
Moves files, and sets file attributes.
Returns the long version of a filename.
Returns the short (i.e., 8.3) version of a filename.
FileOpen( filename, mode [, Unicode [, timeout ]])
Opens a file for reading or writing.
FilePath( filename )
Returns path of a file.
FilePurge( in-filename, out-filename [, ignore-case[, character-set]] )
Removes duplicates from a file.
FilePut( filename, string )
Writes a string to a file.
FilePutW(filename, Unicode string)
Writes a Unicode string to a file.
FileRead( filehandle )
Reads data from a file.
FileRename( source-list, destination )
Renames files to another set of names.
FileRoot( filename )
Returns root of a file.
FileSize( file-list [ ,format] )
Adds up the total size of a set of files.
FileSizeEx( file-list [ ,format] )
Finds the total size of a group of files(including open files).
FileTimeCode( filename )
Returns a machine readable/computable code for a file time.
FileTimeGet( filename )
Returns file date and time.
FileTimeGetEx( filename, time-field )
Gets extended time information for a file or directory.
FileTimeSet( list, datetime )
Sets the date and time of one or more files.
FileTimeSetEx( file-list, datetime, time-field )
Sets extended time information for one or more files.
FileTimeTouch( file-list )
Sets file(s) to current time.
FileVerInfo( filename, language-key, resource-string )
Returns a version resource string from a binary file.
FileWrite( handle, output-data )
Writes data to a file.
FileYmdHms( filename )
Returns a file time in the YmdHms date/time format.
FindWindow( window class name )
Returns a window title matching a specified class name.
Floor( fp_num )
Calculates the floor of a value.
For varname = initial value to final value [ by increment ]
Controls the looping of a block of code base in an incrementing index.
ForEach ForEach Elementvariable In Collection
Executes the statement block for each element in an object collection.
GetExactTime( )
Returns the current time in hundredths of a second.
GetObject( moniker, progId)
Pseudonym for ObjectGet. Returns a reference to an object provided by a COM/OLE component.
GetTickCount( )
Returns the number of clock ticks used by Windows since Windows started.
Transfers control of WIL processing while saving location of the next statement.
Goto label
Changes the flow of control in a WIL program.
IconExtract(filename, icon filename, index)
Extracts an icon group from an EXE/DLL.
IconInfo(filename, filetype)
Returns information about the icons in an EXE/DLL or ICO file.
IconReplace( filename, icon filename [, index [, flags]])
Replaces an existing icon group with a new icon group.
If ... Else ... Endif expression
Conditionally performs a function.
IgnoreInput (mode)
Turns off hardware input to Windows.
IniDelete( section, keyname )
Removes a line or section from WIN.INI.
IniDeletePvt( section, keyname, filename )
Removes a line or section from a private INI file.
IniItemize( section )
Lists keywords or sections in WIN.INI file.
IniItemizePvt( section, filename )
List keywords or sections in a private INI file.
IniRead( section, keyname, default )
Reads a string from the WIN.INI file.
IniReadPvt( section, keyname, default, filename )
Reads a string from a private INI file.
IniWrite( section, keyname, data )
Writes a string to the WIN.INI file.
IniWritePvt( section, keyname, data, filename )
Writes a string to a private INI file.
InstallFile( filename, targname, default-targdir, delete-old, flags)
Installs a file.
Int( string/fp_num )
Converts a floating point number or a string to an integer.
IntControl( request#, p1, p2, p3, p4 )
Special function which permits an internal operation.
IsDefined( variable name )
Determines if a variable name is currently defined.
IsFloat( value )
Tests whether a number can be converted to a floating point number.
IsInt( string )
Tests whether a number can be converted into a valid integer.
IsKeyDown( keycode )
Determines if the Shift key or the Ctrl key is currently down.
IsLicensed( )
Tells if the calling application is licensed.
IsNumber( value )
Determines if a string represents a valid number.
ItemCount( list, delimiter )
Returns the number of items in a list.
ItemCountCsv( line, flags [, delimiter])
Returns the number of items in a CSV line.
ItemExtract( index, list, delimiter )
Returns the selected item from a list.
ItemExtractCsv( index, line, flags [, delimiter])
Returns the selected item from a CSV line.
ItemInsert( item, index, list, delimiter )
Adds an item to a list.
ItemLocate( item, list, delimiter )
Returns the position of an item in a list.
ItemLocateWild( pattern, list, delimiter, start )
Searches for an item in that list that fully matches a 'pattern'.
ItemRemove( index, list, delimiter )
Removes an item from a list.
ItemReplace(item, index, list, delimiter)
Replaces an item in a list.
ItemSort( list, delimiter )
Sorts a list.
KeyToggleGet( @key )
Returns the status of a toggle key.
KeyToggleSet( @key, value )
Sets the state of a toggle key and returns the previous value.
LastError ( )
Returns the last error encountered.
Log10( fp_num )
Calculates the base-10 logarithm.
LogDisk( drive letter)
Logs (activates) a disk drive.
LogE( fp_num )
Calculates the natural logarithm.
MapCreate( [keys-values[, kv-delimtier[, pr-delimiter]]] )
Creates a WIL map.
MapFileGetCsv(filename[, delimiter])
Converts a file to a WIL map.
MapFilePutCsv(filename, map[, delimtier [,write-undef[, flags]]] )
Writes a WIL map to a file.
MapKeyExist( map, key )
Tests for existence of a key in a WIL map.
MapKeyFind( map, key[, not_found])
Finds a key in a WIL map and returns the key's value.
MapKeyRemove( map, key )
Removes a key-value pair from a WIL map.
MapKeysGet( map, return-type [, delimiter] )
Returns all the keys of a WIL map's key-value pairs.
MapValuesGet( map, return-type [, delimiter] )
Returns all the values of a WIL map's key-value pairs.
Max( number [ ,number... ] )
Determines the highest number in a list.
Message( title, text )
Displays text in a message box.
Min( number [ ,number... ] )
Determines the lowest number in a list.
MouseClick(click-type, modifiers)
Clicks mouse button(s).
MouseClickBtn(parent-windowname, child-windowname, button-text)
Clicks on the specified button control.
MouseCoords( parent-windowname, child-windowname)
Returns coordinates of the mouse within a window.
MouseInfo( request# )
Returns assorted mouse information.
MouseMove(X, Y, parent-windowname, child-windowname)
Moves the mouse to the specified X-Y coordinates.
Performs full range of mouse associated activities.
MsgTextGet( window-name )
Returns the contents of a Windows message box.
NetInfo( requestcode )
Determines network(s) installed.
Num2Char( integer )
Converts a number to its character equivalent.
ObjectAccess( app.objname )
Opens or creates a COM/OLE Automation object.
ObjectCollectionClose( enumeration-handle )
Ends enumeration of a COM/OLE collection object.
ObjectCollectionNext( enumeration-handle )
Continues enumeration of a COM/OLE collection object.
ObjectCollectionOpen( objecthandle )
Initializes enumeration of a COM/OLE collection object.
ObjectConstantsGet( object )
Creates a Constants object.
ObjectConstToArray( constants )
Creates an array of Constants object names and values.
ObjectClose( objecthandle )
Closes COM/OLE automation object.
ObjectClrNew( typename [, ctorparm,...] )
Creates a class, structure or enumeration implemented by a managed assembly. The function returns a Framework based type as a COM Automation reference that can be used to access the members of the underlying Framework based type.
ObjectClrOption( option-name, option-value )
Sets CLR configuration options before the CRL is loaded and loads an assembly into the current WinBatch process.
ObjectClrType( typename, value-reference )
Associate a Framework based type name with a value, or to up-cast or down-cast Framework based object references.
ObjectCreate( progId, location)
Creates and returns a reference to a COM/OLE object.
ObjectEventAdd( object-reference, event-name, udf-name )
Associates a user-defined function or subroutine with a COM object event.
ObjectEventRemove( object-reference, event-name )
Cancels the association between a user-defined function or subroutine and a COM object event.
ObjectGet( moniker, progId)
Returns a reference to an object provided by a COM/OLE component.
ObjectOpen( objectname )
Opens or creates a COM/OLE automation object.
ObjectType( variant-type, value)
Creates a WIL variable with a specific COM/OLE variant type.
ObjectTypeGet( variable-name)
Gets the COM/OLE variant type of a WIL variable.
ParseData( string )
Parses a passed string.
Pause( title, text )
Displays text in a message box.
PipeClientClose( pipe-handle )
Closes a named pipe connection.
PipeClientOpen( pipe-name, timeout )
Connects to a named pipe.
PipeClientSendRecvData( pipe-handle, data, read-timeout )
Writes a message to a named pipe and then reads a message back.
PipeInfo( request, pipe-handle )
Returns information about a pipe or pipe operation.
PipeServerClose( pipe-handle, timeout )
Closes a named pipe instance.
PipeServerCreate( pipe-name, timeout )
Creates an instance of a named pipe and waits for a client to connect. (Windows NT family only)
PipeServerRead( pipe-handle, timeout )
Reads a message from a named pipe.
PipeServerWrite( pipe-handle, data )
Writes a message to a named pipe.
PlayMedia( command-string )
Controls multimedia devices.
PlayMidi( filename, mode )
Plays a MID or RMI sound file.
PlayWaveForm( filename, mode )
Plays a WAV sound file.
Print( data file, directory, display mode, reserved )
Instructs an application associated to a file to print the file on the default printer.
PtrGlobalDefine( var )
Creates a "pointer" to a global variable.
PtrGlobal( var )
Retrieves a "pointer" to a global variable.
PtrPersistent( var, value )
Creates a "pointer" to a persistent variable.
Random( integer )
Generates a positive random number.
Registration Database Operations
RegApp( program-name, path )
Creates registry entries for a program under "App Paths".
RegCloseKey( keyhandle )
Closes a key to the registration database.
RegConnect( computer-name, handle [,remoteOSflag] )
Connects to a predefined registry handle on another computer.
RegCreateKey( keyhandle, sub-key string [,view-flag] )
Returns a handle to a new registration database key.
RegCreateKeyEx( keyhandle, sub-key string, mode, options, [,view-flag] )
Returns a handle to a new registration database key.
RegDeleteKey( keyhandle, sub-key string [,view-flag] )
Deletes a key and data items associated with the key.
RegDeleteLink( keyhandle, sub-key string [,view-flag] )
Deletes a link key.
RegDelValue( handle, subkey-string [,view-flag] )
Deletes a named value data item for the specified subkey from the registry.
RegEntryType( handle, subkey-string [,view-flag] )
Returns the type of data for the specified subkey.
RegExistKey( handle, subkey-string [,view-flag] )
Checks whether a registry key exists.
RegExistValue( handle, subkey-string [,view-flag] )
Checks whether a value for a registry key exists.
RegLoadHive( handle, subkey, filename )
Loads a hive into a registry subkey.
RegOpenFlags( flag )
Specifies the registry view the various Reg[..] functions.
RegOpenKey( keyhandle, subkey-string [,view-flag] )
Returns a handle to an existing registration database key.
RegOpenKeyEx( handle, subkey-string, mode, view-flag, reserved )
Opens a registry key with specified access rights.
RegQueryBin( handle, subkey-string [,view-flag] )
Returns binary value at subkey position.
RegQueryDword( handle, subkey-string [, flags] )
Returns DWORD value at subkey position.
RegQueryEx( handle, subkey-string, delimiter, type [,view-flag] )
Retrieves a value from the registry.
RegQueryExpSz( handle, subkey-string [,view-flag] )
Retrieves a REG_EXPAND_SZ value from the registry.
RegQueryItem( handle, subkey-string [,view-flag] )
Returns a list of named data items for a subkey.
RegQueryKey( keyhandle, index )
Returns sub keys of the specified key.
RegQueryKeyLastWriteTime( handle, subkey-string [,view-flag] )
Returns the last write time for a registry key.
RegQueryKeys( keyhandle )
Returns a tab-delimited list of subkey names under a specified key.
RegQueryMulSz( handle, subkey-string, delimiter [,view-flag] )
Retrieves a REG_MULTI_SZ value from the registry.
RegQueryQword( handle, subkey-string [,view-flag] )
Retrieves a REG_QWORD value from the registry.
RegQueryStr( handle, subkey-string [,view-flag] )
Retrieves and expands a string value from the registry.
RegQueryValue( keyhandle, keyname [,view-flag] )
Returns data item string at sub-key position.
RegSetBin ( handle, subkey-string, value [,view-flag] )
Sets a binary value in the Registration Database.
RegSetDword ( handle, subkey-string, value [, flags] )
Sets a DWORD value in the Registration Database.
RegSetEx( handle, subkey-string, value, delimiter, type [,view-flag] )
Sets a value in the registry.
RegSetExpSz( handle, subkey-string, value [,view-flag] )
Sets a REG_EXPAND_SZ value in the registry.
RegSetMulSz( handle, subkey-string, value, delimiter [,view-flag] )
Sets a REG_MULTI_SZ value in the registry.
RegSetQword( handle, subkey-string, value [,view-flag] )
Sets a REG_QWORD value in the registry.
RegSetValue( keyhandle, sub-key string, value [,view-flag] )
Sets the value of a data item in the registration database.
RegUnloadHive( handle, subkey)
Unloads a hive from the registry.
Reloads menu file(s).
Returns from a Call to the calling program or from a GoSub :label.
Returns a number indicating the current execution mode of WinBatch.
Run( program-name, parameters )
Runs a program as a normal window.
RunApp( app-name, parameters [,flags] )
Activates a UWP or Windows Store Application.
RunEnviron( program-name, parameters, displaymode, waitflag )
Launches a program in the current environment as set
with the EnvironSet command.
RunHide( program-name, parameters )
Runs a program as a hidden window.
RunHideWait( program-name, parameters )
Runs a program in a hidden window and waits for it to close.
RunIcon( program-name, parameters )
Runs a program as an icon.
RunIconWait( program-name, parameters )
Runs a program as an icon and waits for it to close.
RunShell( program-name, params, directory, displaymode, waitflag )
An advanced form of the Run function that even allows the specification of a working directory, along with the window view mode and whether or not to wait for completion of the run program in a single function.
RunWait( program-name, parameters )
Runs a program as a normal window and waits for it to close.
RunWithLogon(program-name, params, directory, display mode, waitflag, username, domain, password, logon-flags)
Runs a program as a specified user. (Windows 2000/XP only)
RunZoom( program-name, parameters )
Runs a program in a maximized window.
RunZoomWait( program-name, parameters)
Runs a program in a maximized window and waits for it to close.
Select varname
Allows selection among multiple blocks of statements.
SendKey( sendkey-string [,delay])
Sends keystrokes to the currently active window.
SendKeysChild( partial-parent-windowname, partial-child-windowname, sendkey-string [,delay])
Sends keystrokes to the active child window.
SendKeysTo( parent-windowname, sendkey-string [,delay])
Sends keystrokes to a "windowname".
SendKeysToW( parent-windowname, sendkey-string [,delay])
Sends Unicode keystrokes to a "windowname".
SendKeyW( sendkey-string [,delay])
Sends Unicode keystrokes to the currently active window.
SendMenusTo( partial-parent-windowname, menuname )
Activates a window and sends a specified menu option.
SendMessageA( window-id/handle, message-id, wParam, lParam)
Issues a Windows "SendMessage", with lParam as an ANSI string.
SendMessageW( window-id/handle, message-id, wParam, lParam )
Issues a Windows "SendMessage", with lParam as a Unicode string.
ShellExecute ( program-name, params, directory, display mode, operation )
Runs a program via the Windows ShellExecute command
ShellExecuteWait ( program-name, params, directory, display mode, operation )
Pauses a script while running a program via the Windows ShellExecute command
ShortCutDir( name/csidl [, source [, add-slash]] )
Gets the path of a folder identified by a name or CSIDL value.
ShortcutEdit( link-name, target, params, start-dir, show-mode [, shortcut-type] )
Modifies the specified shortcut file.
ShortcutExtra( link-name, description, hotkey, icon-file, icon-index [, shortcut-type] )
Sets additional information for the specified shortcut file.
ShortcutInfo( link-name [, shortcut-type] )
Returns information on the specified shortcut file.
ShortcutMake( link-name, target, params, start-dir, show-mode [, shortcut-type] )
Creates a shortcut for the specified filename or directory.
Sin( fp_num )
Calculates the sine.
Sinh( fp_num )
Calculates the hyperbolic sine.
SnapShot( request# )
Takes a snapshot of the screen and pastes it to the clipboard.
Sounds( request# )
Controls sound effects generated by WIL. This feature is off by default as windows generally supplies its own sound effects.
SoundVolume( level)
Sets the speaker volume.
Sqrt( fp_num )
Calculates the square root.
StrByteCount( string, request)
Returns the length of a string, in bytes.
StrCat( string [ ,string ] )
Concatenates strings together.
StrCharCount( string )
Counts the number of characters in a string.
StrClean( source-string, characters, replacement, match-case, mode)
Removes or replaces characters in a string.
StrCmp( string1, string2 )
Compares two strings.
StrCnt( string, sub-string, start-pos, end-pos, flags)
Counts the occurrences of a substring within a string.
StrFill( filler, length )
Builds a string from a repeated smaller string.
StrFix( base-string, pad-string, length )
Pads or truncates a string to a fixed length using characters.
StrFixBytes( base-string, pad-string, length )
Pads or truncates a string to a fixed length using bytes.
StrFixBytesL( base-string, pad-string, length )
Pads or truncates the left side of a string to a fixed length using bytes.
StrFixChars( base-string, pad-string, length )
Pads or truncates a string To a fixed length using characters.
StrFixCharsL( base-string, pad-string, length )
Pads or truncates the left side of a string to a fixed length using characters.
StrFixLeft( base-string, pad-string, length )
Pads or truncates the left side of a string to a fixed length using characters.
StriCmp( string1, string2 )
Compares two strings without regard to case.
StrIndex( base-string, sub-string, start, direction )
Locates a string within a larger string.
StrIndexNc( base-string, sub-string, start, direction )
Locates a string within a larger string, ignoring case.
StrIndexWild( string, pattern, start )
Finds wildcarded text within a larger string.
StrInsert( base-string, new-string, [pad-string [, start [, length]]] )
Inserts a new string into an existing string. (Windows NT and newer)
StrLen( string )
Returns the length of a string.
StrLenWild( string, pattern, star t)
Returns the length of wildcarded text within a larger string.
StrLower( string )
Converts a string to all lower-case characters.
StrOverlay( base-string, new-string, [pad-string [, start [, length]]] )
Overlays a new string onto an existing string.
StrReplace( string, old, new )
Replaces all occurrences of a sub-string with another.
StrScan( string, delimiters, startpos, direction )
Finds an occurrence of one or more delimiter characters in a string.
StrSub( string, startpos, length )
Returns a sub-string from within a string.
StrSubWild( string, pattern, start )
Extracts a substring matching wildcarded text from within a larger string.
StrTrim( string [, flag] )
Trims leading and trailing blanks from a string.
StrTrimChar( string, trim-chars [ ,flag] )
Trims leading and trailing characters from a string.
StrTypeInfo( string, flag)
Gets character-type information for a string, or information for a character-type.
StrUpper( string )
Converts a string to uppercase.
Switch varname
Allows selection among multiple blocks of statements.
SysParamInfo(request, value, ini-update)
Retrieves or sets the value of one of the system-wide parameters.
Tan( fp_num )
Calculates the tangent.
Tanh( fp_num )
Calculates the hyperbolic tangent.
Terminate( expression, title, message )
Conditionally ends a WIL program.
TerminateApp( winname/appname, name-type, flags )
Terminates an application.
TimeAdd( datetime1, datetime2 )
Adds two YmdHms variables.
TimeDate( )
Provides the current date and time in a readable format.
Example: Using the WIL language it is possible to grab the day of
the week. The following example from TimeJulianDay grabs the
current time and day of the week.
Example: Using the WIL language it is possible to grab the day of
the year. The following example from TimeJulianDay grabs the
current time and day of the year.
TimeDelay( seconds )
Pauses execution for a specified amount of time.
TimeDiff( datetime1, datetime2 )
Returns the difference between two points in time.
TimeDiffDays( datetime1, datetime2 )
Returns the difference in days between the two dates.
TimeDiffSecs( datetime1, datetime2 )
Returns the time difference in seconds between the two date times.
TimeFormat( ymdhms, format )
Returns the date and/or time as a text string in the indicated format.
TimeJulianDay( datetime )
Returns the Julian day given a datetime.
TimeJulToYmd( julian-date )
Returns a datetime given a Julian day.
TimeSubtract( datetime, datetime difference )
Subtracts one YmdHms variable from another.
TimeWait( datetime )
Pauses execution and waits for the datetime to pass.
TimeYmdHms( )
Returns current date and time in the YMDHMS datetime format.
TimeZoneConvert( datetime, from-tzid[, to-tzid] )
Returns date and time in another time zone.
TimeZoneList( [option])
Returns one or more known time zone ids.
Gets the current UAC elevation level.
UacExePromptTest ( programname )
Determines whether a program would require a UAC elevation prompt.
UacManifestSettings ( request )
Gets information on manifest and signature.
VarType( varname )
Gets the type of a WIL variable.
Version( )
Returns the version of the parent program currently running.
VersionDLL( )
Returns the version of the WIL interpreter currently running.
WaitForKey( key, key, key, key, key )
Waits for a specific key to be pressed.
WaitForKeyEx( keycode, timeout)
Waits for a specific key to be pressed within timeout period.
WallPaper( bmp-filename, tilemode )
Changes the Windows wallpaper.
While expression
Conditionally and/or repeatedly executes a series of statements.
WinActivate( partial-winname )
Makes an application window the active window.
WinActiveChild( partial-parent-windowname, partial-child-windowname)
Activates a previously running child window.
WinArrange( style )
Arranges all running application windows on the screen.
WinClose( partial-winname )
Closes an application window.
WindowOnTop( partial-winname, mode [,retry] )
Keep window on top.
WinExeName( partial-winname )
Returns the name of the executable file which created a specified window.
WinExist( partial-winname )
Detects if a window exists.
WinExistChild( partial-parent-windowname, partial-child-windowname )
Detects if a specified child window exists.
WinGetActive( )
Gets the title of the active window.
WinHelp( helpfile, function, keyword )
Calls a Windows help file.
WinHide( partial-winname )
Hides an application window.
WinIconize( partial-winname )
Turns an application window into an icon.
WinIdConvert( hwnd/winid )
Returns a unique "Window ID" (pseudo-handle) form a window handle or a window handle from a "Window ID".
Returns a unique "Window ID" (pseudo-handle) for the specified window name.
WinIsDOS( partial-winname )
Tells whether or not a particular window is a DOS or console-type window.
WinIsRuntimeApp( partial-winname )
Reports whether or not a particular window is a Windows Store App.
WinItemChild( partial-parent-windowname )
Returns a list of all the child windows under this parent.
WinItemize( )
Returns a tab-delimited list of all open windows.
WinItemizeEx( partial-winname, multiple, hidden [, return-type] )
Returns the full name of window(s) matching a partial window name.
Returns a list of all open windows and their Window ID's.
WinItemProcID( process-id, flags, return-type )
Returns a list of window ID's for the specified process.
WinMetrics( request# )
Returns Windows system information.
WinName( )
Returns the name of the window calling the WIL Interpreter.
WinPlace( x-ulc, y-ulc, x-brc, y-brc, partial-winname )
Changes the size and position of an application window on the screen.
WinPlaceChild( x-ulc, y-ulc, x-brc, y-brc, partial-parent-winname, partial-child-winname)
Places a child window.
WinPlaceGet( win-type partial-winname )
Returns window coordinates.
WinPlaceSet( win-type, partial-winname, position -string )
Sets window coordinates.
WinPosition( partial-winname )
Returns window position.
WinPositionChild( partial-parent-winname, partial-child-winname)
Returns child window position.
WinResources( request# [, format] )
Returns information on available memory and resources.
WinShow( partial-winname )
Shows a window in its "normal" state.
WinState( partial-winname )
Returns the current state of a window.
WinSysInfo ( )
Returns system configuration information.
WinTitle( old-partial-winname, new-winname )
Changes the title of an application window.
WinVersion( level )
Returns the version of Windows that is currently running.
WinWaitChild(partial parent winname, partial child winname, timeout)
Waits for a child window to exist.
WinWaitClose( partial-winname [, timeout] )
Waits until an application window is closed.
WinWaitExist(partial-winname, timeout)
Waits for a window to exist.
WinWaitReady( partial-winname, timeout )
Waits until an application is waiting for user input.
WinZoom( partial-winname )
Maximizes an application window to full-screen.
Pauses WIL processing so other applications can process some messages.
Provides time for other windows to do processing.