Waits for a window to exist.
WinWaitExist(partial-winname, timeout)
(s) partial-winname the initial part of, or an entire, window name.
(i) timeout the number of seconds to wait (maximum = 86400). Specify 0 to return immediately (no wait). Specify -1 for no timeout (wait forever).
(s) @TRUE if the window appeared; @FALSE if it didn't.
Note: This function has a built in ½ second time delay. This can be modified by the function
IntControl (70, p1, 0, 0, 0)
DirChange(DirWindows(0)) Run("notepad.exe", "") WinWaitExist("~Notepad", 5) TimeDelay(1) SendMenusTo("~Notepad", "File Open") SendKeysTo("File Open", "c:\config.sys~")
AppWaitClose, TimeDelay, RunWait, WinExist, WinWaitChild, WinWaitClose, IntControl 70, Partial Window Names