Tells if specified window exists.
WinExist (partial-winname)
(s) partial-winname the initial part of, or an entire, window name.
(i) @TRUE if a matching window is found; @FALSE if a matching window is not found.
Note: The partial window name you give must match the initial portion of the window name (as appears in the title bar) exactly, including proper case (upper or lower) and punctuation.
This function works only with top-level (parent) application windows.
Most of the "win" functions have a built-in wait (where required). WinExist does not.
If WinExist("~Notepad") == @FALSE Then RunIcon("Notepad", "")
AppExist, WinActivate, WinClose, WinExeName, WinExistChild, WinGetActive, WinItemize, WinState, WinWaitExist, Partial Window Names