
Changes the flow of control in a WIL program.


Goto label


(s) label user-defined identifier.


Goto label causes an unconditional branch to the line in the program marked :label, where the identifier is preceded by a colon (:).

Note: Program flow control structures, such as For/Next, ForEach/Next, While/EndWhile, Switch/EndSwitch, If/EndIf must not be "jumped" by a Goto statement. If a Goto is used inside of one of these structures to send the flow of control outside of the structure, or if a Goto is used to send the flow of control inside a structure, errors will result.

Labels for Goto and Gosub can be up to 249 characters.


If WinExist("Solitaire") == @FALSE Then Goto OPEN
Goto loaded
Run("C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Solitaire\Solitaire.exe", "")
See Also:

For, If, Switch, While