Returns a list of all the child windows under this parent.
(s) partial-parent-windowname the initial part of, or an entire, window name.
(s) a list of all the child windows under the parent.
Use this function to return a tab-delimited list of all child windows existing under a given parent window.
Note: "Partial-parent-windowname" is the initial part of a window name, and may be a complete window name. It is case-sensitive. You should specify enough characters so that "partial-parent-windowname" matches only one existing window. If it matches more than one window, the most recently accessed window which it matches will be used.
Run(StrCat(DirHome(),"winbatch studio.exe"),"") list = WinItemChild("WinBatch Studio") choice = AskItemlist("Choose the child window to activate", list, @TAB, @UNSORTED,@SINGLE) If WinExistchild("WinBatch Studio",choice) WinActivechild("WinBatch Studio",choice) EndIf
AppExist, WinActivate, WinClose, WinExeName, WinGetActive, WinItemize, WinState, Partial Window Names, IntControl 46