
Associates a user defined function or subroutine with a callback handle.


DllCallbackCreate (UDF-name, return-type, parameter-types)


(s) UDF-name: name of previously defined user defined function or subroutine.

(s) return-type: expected return data type. May be one of WORD, LONG, VOID, or DOUBLE.

(s) parameter-types: Space delimited list of the expected types of each parameter for the WORD, LPSTR, LPWSTR, LPNULL, LONG or DOUBLE.


(i) callback handle.


The returned handle can be used with DllCall or DllCallCdecl when calling external DLL functions that require a pointer to an application-defined callback function as a parameter.  The UDF/UDS associated with the handle is executed when the external DLL function calls the application-defined function.

The associated UDF/UDS must have the same number of parameters that the external DLL function expects for the application-defined callback.  The parameter types and return type specified in the second and third parameters must be compatible with the documented types for the application-defined callback function.

Use the callback handle with DllCall or DllCallCdecl by passing the handle to the external function with the new 'callback' parameter type specifier. A maximum of 512 callback handles can be active at one time.

; DllCall with Callback example.
#DefineFunction udfEnumWindowsProc(hwnd, lparam)
      ; This callback will run until:
      ;   Callback returns FALSE
      ;   There are no more top level windows to enumerate
      maxsize = 256
      lptitle = BinaryAlloc(maxsize)
      BinaryEodSet(lptitle, 0)
      length = DllCall(DirWindows(1):'user32.dll', long:'GetWindowTextA',long:hwnd,lpbinary:lptitle,long:maxsize)
      If length>1
         BinaryEodSet(lptitle, length)
         title = BinaryPeekStr(lptitle, 0, length)
         If StrIndex( title, lparam, 1, @FWDSCAN )
            ret = AskYesNo( lparam:' window exists!', 'Close this window? [':title:']' )
            If ret == @YES Then WinClose(title) ;Close Window
      Return @TRUE
; Locates window and closes it
lookfortitle = 'Notepad'
ShellExecute('Notepad.exe', '', '', @NORMAL, '')
cbhandle = DllCallbackCreate('udfEnumWindowsProc', 'LONG', 'LONG LPSTR')
ret = DllCall( DirWindows(1):'user32.dll', long:'EnumWindows',callback:cbhandle,lpstr:lookfortitle)
See Also:

DataCast, DllCall, DllCallbackDestroy, DllCallCdecl, DllCall Additional information, Binary Operations, DllLoad, DllFree, DllHwnd, DllHinst, IntControl 96