Writes a two-dimension array to a file.
ArrayFilePutCsv (filename, array [, delimiter [, write-undef [, flags]])
(s) filename: path and file name of the file to create.
(a) array: specifies an array.
(s) delimiter: [optional] specifies the character used to separate values on each line of the file. It can be any single printable character, numbered from 32 to 126 (decimal), except a space(32) or double quotation mark(34). If omitted, a comma will be used as the delimiter.
(i) write-undef: [optional] see below.
(i) flags: [optional] see below.
(i) Returns the number of bytes written to the file.
If "write-undef" is @TRUE, then uninitialized elements in the array will be written as blank values in the file. If "write-undef" is @FALSE, then uninitialized elements will not be written.
"flags" can be set to 0, or can specify one or more of the following values combined with the bitwise OR ('|') operator:
Value |
Meaning |
2 |
Do not do CSV file double quote type processing. This should only be used in cases where you are sure the 'delimiter' will be found nowhere in the data. |
By default, each line in the file will be terminated with a CR/LF. This can be changed using IntControl 53.
Line break handling within CSV files
WinBatch will not handle a line break within a field. WinBatch considers a line feed to be the end of a line. In this case, the layout of the CSV file will be disrupted or broken.
Note: This function can not be used on arrays that have other arrays or maps as elements.
outputfile = "c:\temp\output.csv" array = ArrDimension(10,10) For x = 0 To 9 For y = 0 To 9 array[x,y] = x*y Next Next ArrayFilePutCSV(outputfile, array, ",",@TRUE,0) Message("Done","Two-dimension array written to file")
IntControl 40, IntControl 53, Arrays, ArrayFileGet, ArrayFileGetCsv, ArrayFilePut, ArrayFilePutCsv, ArrayFromStr, ArrayInsert, ArrayItemize, Arrayize, ArrayLocate, ArrayRedim, ArrayRemove, ArrayReverse, ArraySort, ArraySwapElements, ArrayToStr, ArrDimension, ArrInfo, ArrInitalize, Drop