
Converts a WIL array or variant safearray into a delimited item list.


ArrayItemize( array [, delimiter] )


(a) array: array to convert.

(s) delimiter: [optional] item list delimiter. Must be a single character.


(s) string: delimited list.


Converts a WIL array or variant safearray into a delimited item list. Each array element is converted to its string representation before being added as an item to the delimited list. Any element that does not have a string representation or does not have any value is ignored.  This means that it is possible to have fewer items in the delimited list than elements in the passed in array.  It is also possible to have more items in the delimited list than elements in the array because an array element may contain an embedded delimiter.  The function's return value is the delimited list representation of the passed in array.

arrName = Arrayize( 'Bananas,Cherries,Watermelon,Grapes,Lemons,Limes,Nectarines,Apples,Oranges,Raspberries,Strawberries', ',' )
strList = ArrayItemize( arrName, @tab )

AskItemList( 'Fruits', strList, @tab, @sorted, @single ) Exit
See Also:

Arrays, ArrayFileGet, ArrayFileGetCsv, ArrayFilePut, ArrayFilePutCsv, ArrayFromStr, ArrayInsert, ArrayItemize, Arrayize, ArrayLocate,  ArrayRedim, ArrayRemove, ArrayReverse, ArraySort, ArraySwapElements, ArrayToStr, ArrDimension, ArrInfo, ArrInitalize, Drop