
Writes data to the WIN.INI file.


IniWrite (section, keyname, data)


(s) section major heading to write the data to.

(s) keyname name of the data item to write.

(s) data string to write to the WIN.INI file.


(i) always 1.


This command allows a program to write data to the WIN.INI file. The "section" is added to the file if it doesn't already exist.

Note: to force the INI updates to disk, add an additional IniWrite statement as follows:



Note: INI files are limited to 64K in size, on Windows 95/98 and ME. No real limit on other windows platforms.

Windows Vista/2008 and newer: This function may require an Administrator level account because the WIN.INI is located within a protected directory: 'Windows'.


; Change the list of pgms to load upon Windows
; startup
loadprogs = IniRead("windows", "load", "")
newprogs = AskLine("Add Pgm To LOAD= Line", "Add:", loadprogs, 0)
IniWrite("windows", "load", newprogs)
See Also:

IniDelete, IniItemize, IniRead, IniWritePvt