
Lists keywords or sections in WIN.INI.


IniItemize (section)


(s) section the major heading to itemize.


(s) list of keywords or sections.


IniItemize will scan the specified section in WIN.INI, and return a tab-delimited list of all keyword names contained within that section.

Note: The WIN.INI is mapped to registry.

IniItemize cannot accept a blank string "" to get all the section names. The INI files are mapped to the registry, and null section names are not valid for mapped INI files. Use the following instead:


message("All Sections", allsections)


IniItemize returns the string "(NONE)" if the specified section does not exist. Case is not significant in section names.

; Returns all keywords in the [Extensions] section
keywords = IniItemize("Extensions")
AskItemlist("Keywords in [Extension] of in.ini",keywords,@TAB,@SORTED, @SINGLE, @FALSE)
See Also:

IniDelete, IniItemizePvt, IniRead, IniWrite