
Reads data from the WIN.INI file.


IniRead (section, keyname, default)


(s) section the major heading to read the data from.

(s) keyname the name of the item to read.

(s) default string to return if the desired item is not found.


(s) data string from WIN.INI file.


This function allows a program to read data from the WIN.INI file.

The WIN.INI file has the form:


Most of the entries in WIN.INI are set from the Windows Control Panel program, but individual applications can also use it to store option settings in their own sections.

Notes: INI files are mapped to registry.

IniRead and IniReadPvt support strings up to 65,535 characters, if supported by the operating system.



; Find the default output device
a = IniRead("windows", "device", "No Default")
Message("Default Output Device", a)
See Also:

Environment, IniDelete, IniItemize, IniReadPvt, IniWrite