Reads data from a private INI file.
IniReadPvt (section, keyname, default, filename)
(s) section the major heading to read the data from.
(s) keyname the name of the item to read.
(s) default string to return if the desired item is not found.
(s) filename path and file name of the INI file.
(s) data string from the INI file.
Looks up a value in the "filename" .INI file. If the value is not found, the "default" will be returned.
Notes: Path information must be specified if the INI file is not in the Windows directory. If there is no path information provided, then the ini file is assumed to be in the Windows directory (as shown by DirWindows(0) )
IniRead and IniReadPvt support strings up to 65,535 characters, if supported by the operating system.
;IMPORTANT Path information must be specified if the ;INI file is not in the Windows directory. a=IniReadPvt("Main", "Lang", "English", "WB.INI") Message("IniReadPvt",a) Given the following segment from WB.INI: [Main] Lang=French The statement above would Return: French
Environment, IniDeletePvt, IniItemizePvt, IniRead, IniWritePvt