
Lists keywords or sections in a private INI file.


IniItemizePvt (section, filename)


(s) section the major heading to itemize.

(s) filename path and file name of the INI file.


(s) list of keywords or sections.


IniItemizePvt will scan the specified section in a private INI file, and return a tab-delimited list of all keyword names contained within that section. If a null string ("") is given as the section name, IniItemizePvt will return a list of all section names contained within the file. It returns the string "(NONE)" if the specified section does not exist. Case is not significant in section names.

Note: Path information must be specified if the INI file is not in the Windows directory. If there is no path information provided, then the INI file is assumed to be in the Windows directory (as shown by DirWindows(0) )

There is no distinction between an empty section and a section that doesn't exist.


; Returns all keywords in the [Boot] section of SYSTEM.INI
keywords = IniItemizePvt("Boot", "system.ini")
Message("IniItemizePvt","Pvt Ini Itemized.")
See Also:

IniDeletePvt, IniItemize, IniReadPvt, IniWritePvt