
Removes a line or section from a private INI file.


IniDeletePvt (section, keyname, filename)


(s) section the major heading under which the item is located.

(s) keyname the name of the item to delete.

(s) filename path and file name of the INI file.


(i) always 0.


This function will remove the specified line from the specified section in a private INI file. You can remove an entire section, instead of just a single line, by specifying a keyword of @WHOLESECTION. Case is not significant in section or keyname.

Note: Path information must be specified if the INI file is not in the Windows directory. If there is no path information provided, then the INI file is assumed to be in the Windows directory (as shown by DirWindows(0) )

Windows Vista/2008 and newer: This function may require an Administrator level account if dealing with files located in a protected directories: 'Program Files' and 'Windows'.


IniDeletePvt("Current Users", "Excel", "meter.ini")
Message("IniDeletePvt"," Pvt Ini Deleted.")
See Also:

IniDelete, IniItemizePvt, IniReadPvt, IniWritePvt