
Changes the title of a window.


WinTitle (partial-winname, new-name)


(s) partial-winname either an initial portion of, or an entire window name. The most-recently used window whose title matches the name will be shown.

(s) new-name the new name of the window.


(i)  @TRUE if a window was found to rename.; @FALSE if no windows were found.


Use this function to change a window's title.

A partial-window name of "" (null string) refers to the current WIL interpreter window.

Warning: Some applications may rely upon their window's title staying the same! Therefore, the WinTitle function should be used with caution and adequate testing.

This function works only with top-level (parent) application windows.


; Capitalize title of window
allwinds = WinItemize( )
mywin = AskItemlist("Uppercase Windows", allwinds, @TAB, @UNSORTED, @SINGLE, @FALSE)
WinTitle(mywin, StrUpper(mywin))
Drop(allwinds, mywin)
See Also:

WinGetActive, WinItemize, WinName, Partial Window Names, IntControl 46