Returns a delimited list of the current environment.
EnvItemize( )
(s) a list containing all variables in the current environment (See Note).
Use this function to return a list of the variables in the current environment.
Note: This list is delimited by the newline character (ASCII 10), which can be generated with the Num2Char function or by using the @LF constant. The returned list is suitable for a message box display. Tabs are not used as a delimiter as they seem to be legal characters within the environment. The StrReplace function may be used to change the delimiter to any other character.
env=EnvItemize( ) Message("The Environment is", EnvItemize( )) env=StrReplace(env, @LF, @TAB) a=AskItemlist("Select a Variable", env, @TAB, @SORTED, @SINGLE, @FALSE) b=Environment(a) Message(a, b)