Determines whether or not a key is present in a WIL map.
MapKeyExist(map, key)
(m) map: a variable containing a WIL map.
(s) key: a string to test for existents as a key in the passed in WIL map.
(m) @True(1) if the key exist and @False(0) if it does not.
The MapKeyExist function is used to test whether or not a specified key exists in a WIL map.
Note: The case of the key string is ignored.
Pairs = 'Apples,0':@tab:'Oranges,0':@tab:'Pears,0' Fruit = MapCreate(Pairs) ; Count a peach. If MapKeyExist(Fruit, 'Peach') Fruit["peach"] += 1 Else Fruit["peach"] = 1 EndIf
MapCreate, MapFileGetCsv, MapFilePutCsv, MapKeyRemove, MapKeysGet, MapKeyFind