
Sets additional information for the specified shortcut file.


ShortcutExtra(link-name, description, hotkey, icon-file, icon-index [, shortcut-type])


(s) link-name  the name of shortcut .LNK file to be modified.

(s) description the internal description for the shortcut.

(s) hotkey  the "shortcut key" to be assigned to the shortcut.

(s) icon-file  a file containing an icon to be used for the shortcut, with optional path.

(i) icon-index  the 0-based index position of the desired icon within "icon-file".

(i) shortcut-type (optional) specifies the type of shortcut. see below


(i)  @TRUE if the shortcut was successfully modified ; @FALSE if it wasn't.


"shortcut-type" specifies the type of shortcut, and can be one of the following:

Type Meaning

0  Normal shortcut (default) 

1  Folder shortcut (Windows 2000/XP only) 


You can specify "-1" for "description", "hotkey", or "icon-file" to set NULL values.

The "description" parameter only sets an internal description, which is not actually displayed anywhere.

If "hotkey" is not a blank string (""), it specifies the hotkey ("shortcut key") for the shortcut. This can be an alphanumeric or special character (see below), optionally preceded by one or more of the following modifiers:

 ! (Alt)

 ^ (Control)

 + (Shift)

This function can be used to set hotkeys which would be impossible to set from within the shortcut properties dialog in Explorer. Note: some key combinations may not be supported on all Windows platforms.

List of special keys for ShortcutExtra:























































"Icon-file" can be used to specify an .EXE (or .DLL) file or an .ICO file containing an icon which you want to be used for the shortcut. If "icon-file" specifies an .EXE (or .DLL) file (which can contain multiple icons), then "icon-index" can be used to specify the offset of a particular icon within "icon-file", where 0 indicates the first icon in the file, 1 indicates the second icon, etc. If "icon-file" specifies an .ICO file, then "icon-index" should be 0.

You can specify a blank string ("") for "icon-file", and 0 for "icon-index", to use the default icon.



dest = StrCat(DirWindows(0),"notepad.exe")
ShortCutMake("mynotepad.lnk", dest, "", "", @NORMAL,0)
ShortCutEdit("mynotepad.lnk", "", "", startdir, @NORMAL,0)
ShortCutExtra("mynotepad.lnk", "Notepad shortcut", "^!n", "", 0,0)
See Also:

ShortcutDir, ShortcutEdit, ShortcutInfo, ShortcutMake