Returns the Julian day given a datetime.
(s) datetime use format YYYY:MM:DD.
(i) the Julian day.
Use this function to return the Julian date given a datetime. The Julian date is often used in banking and similar calculations as it provides an easy way to compute the difference between two dates.
Note: Julian date 1= Jan.1,0000.
;This example grabs the Time/Day of the Week. a=TimeYmdHms( ) b=TimeJulianDay(a) c=(b+5) mod 7 day=ItemExtract(c+1, "Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat", " ") line=StrCat("Julian Date-> ", b,@CRLF,"Day of week-> ",day) Message(TimeDate( ), line)
FileTimeGet, FileTimeGetEx, TimeDate, TimeAdd, TimeDiffDays, TimeYmdHms, TimeDelay, TimeWait, TimeJulToYmd