
Sets extended time information for one or more files.


FileTimeSetEx(file-list, datetime , time-field)


(s) file-list: filename, list of files, or list of wildcards of files reset. (example: "*.jpg|*.bmp")

(s) datetime:  datetime in the YmdHms format

(i) time-field: see below.


(i)  returns @TRUE on success; @FALSE if any of the specified files could not be changed.


Use this function to reset the date and time of a specific file or list of files.

This function is like FileTimeSet, but lets you specify which time field you want to set. "Time-field" can be one of the following:

1 file created

2 file last modified

3 file last accessed


Windows Vista/2008 and newer: This function may require an Administrator level account if dealing with files located in a protected directories: 'Program Files' and 'Windows'.

This function supports extended-length path names.



; Alter time of the WIN.INI file
winini= FileLocate("Win.ini")
Message("File Time for %winini% is", b)
FileTimeSetEx(winini, a, 2)
Message("File Time for %winini% is now", b)
;Alter the time of all files in the temp directory
a=TimeYmdHms( )
Temp = Environment("temp")
If StrSub(temp,StrLen(temp),1)!="\" Then temp=StrCat(temp,"\")
FileTimeSetEx("%temp%*.*", a, 2)
See Also:

GetExactTime, FileYmdHms, TimeDiffDays, TimeDiffSecs, FileTimeSet, TimeYmdHms