Opens a DDE channel.
DDEInitiate (app-name, topic-name)
(s) app-name: name of the application (without the EXE extension).
(s) topic-name: name of the topic you wish to access.
(i) communications channel, or 0 on error.
This function opens a DDE communications channel with a server application. The communications channel can be subsequently used by the DDEExecute, DDEPoke, and DDERequest functions. You should close this channel with DDETerminate when you are finished using it. If the communications channel cannot be opened as requested, DDEInitiate returns a channel number of 0.
You can call DDEInitiate more than once, in order to carry on multiple DDE conversations (with multiple applications) simultaneously.
In order to use this function successfully, you will need appropriate documentation for the server application you wish to access, which must provide information on the DDE functions that it supports and the correct syntax to use.
url = '' If AppExist('iexplore') browser = 'iexplore' channel = DDEInitiate(browser, 'WWW_GetWindowInfo') ;Initialize DDE If channel != 0 ;If DDE OK Execute DDE Command url = DDERequest( channel,-1) DDETerminate(channel) EndIf Else Pause('','No active IE browser') Exit EndIf Message('Active URL in ':browser, url) Exit