
Activates a previously running child window.


WinActiveChild(parent partial-winname, child partial-winname)


(s) parent partial-winname the initial part of, or an entire parent window name.

(s) child partial-winname the initial part of, or an entire child window name.


(i) @TRUE if the window was found to activate.  @FALSE if no windows were found.


Use this function to activate a child window for user input. The most recently used window whose title matches the name will be activated.

Note: The partial window name you give must match the initial portion of the window name (as it appears in the title bar) exactly, including proper case (upper or lower) and punctuation. The parent window must exist or this function will return an error.


Run(StrCat(DirHome(),"winbatch studio.exe"),"")
list = WinItemChild("WinBatch Studio")
choice = AskItemlist("Choose the child window to activate", list, @TAB, @UNSORTED,@SINGLE)
If WinExistchild("WinBatch Studio",choice)
   WinActivechild("WinBatch Studio",choice)
See Also:

WinActivate, WinGetActive, WinShow, Partial Window Names, IntControl 46