Changes a control’s style or give control input focus.
DialogControlState(dialog-handle, control-name, request-code, style)
(i) dialog-handle: handle to dialog
(s) control-name: name of control to change
(i) request-code: see below
(i) style: style to change
(i/s) 0 failure, 1 success, or a controls style.
Use this function to get a control's style, change a control’s style, assign a control the input focus, or retrieve the name of the control with the focus.
When you are using request code five (5) the function will return an empty string ("") or zero (0) for legacy dialogs, if no control in your dialog has the input focus at the time of the function call. In most cases, it is not necessary to use this request code to determine which control has the input focus form within your Use-Defined-Callback procedure. This is because most callbacks occur only when a control has the input focus and because the number of the control that caused the callback and, therefore, has the focus, is passed as a parameter to your procedure. The DialogProcOptions event-codes 0, 1, 11, 1000, 1001, 1002 and 1003 are the exceptions because these events are not associated with any dialog controls.
The dialog-handle passed as the first parameter to your dialog procedure.
The name of the control you wish to modify. Unless you are using request code five (5). In which case this parameter gets ignored.
Set the request-code to one (1), if you want to give a control the input focus. Set it to two (2) to have the function return a control's style. Use three (3) to add one or more styles to a control and four (4) to remove styles. Use five (5) to retrieve the name (or number for legacy dialogs) of the control with the input focus. To position the mouse cursor in the center of the control indicated by control-name set it to six (6).
Note: When you are using request code five (5) the function will return zero (0), if no control in your dialog has the input focus at the time of the function call. In most cases, it is not necessary to use this request code to determine which control has the input focus form within your Use-Defined-Callback procedure. This is because most callbacks occur only when a control has the input focus and because the number of the control that caused the callback and, therefore, has the focus, is passed as a parameter to your procedure. The DialogProcOption event-codes 0, 1, 11, 1000, 1001, 1002 and 1003 are the exceptions because these events are not associated with any dialog controls.
request-code |
meaning |
@dcsSetFocus (1) |
Give a control the input focus |
@dcsGetStyle (2) |
Query a control's style |
@dcsAddStyle (3) |
Add one or more styles to a control |
@dcsRemStyle (4) |
Remove styles from a control |
@dcsGetFocus (5) |
Get control that has focus |
@dcsMouseOver (6) |
Position mouse cursor over control |
This parameter is ignored when you are giving a control the input focus (1), fetching a controls style (2), the name of the control with the input focus (5), or positioning the mouse cursor (6). Otherwise, it should contain the styles you wish to add or remove. The style values are the same as those used in the control style attribute of the dialog template. More than one style can be added or removed in a single function call by using the bit wise OR (|) operator to construct a bitmask of targeted styles.
Note: The exceptions are the 'List Only style' (4) of a DROPLISTBOX and the 'No Auto-resize' (256) of ITEMBOX and FILELISTBOX controls. These styles can only be set in the dialog template.
Style |
Meaning |
Controls |
@csInvisible (1) |
Control is invisible
All |
@csDisabled (2) |
Control has disabled appearance and does not accept any user input, if would otherwise accept input. |
@csListOnly (4) |
Note: Not supported in this function. This style can only be set in the dialog template. Control will only accept values already in the drop down list portion of the control |
@csReadOnly (8) |
The controls text cannot be changed by typing in new text when the control has the input focus. (Note: The user can still change the value in a SPINNER controls by using the up and down arrows.
@csPassword (16) |
Displays all characters as an asterisk (*) as they are typed into the control. |
@csDefButton (32) |
A button with this style is the default button when no push or picture button has the input focus. The user can select this button by pressing the enter key if no button has the input focus. You should only give one button this style. If you give the style to more than one button, only the first button (in the tab order) will have the style. Generally, give this style to the button that is the most likely option in your dialog.
@csDigits (64) |
Allows only digits to be entered into the edit type controls. Note: even with this set, it is still possible to paste non-digits into the edit control.
@csFlat (128) |
Creates a button with a flat appearance. All aspects of the button's border are removed including the 3d shadowing.
@csNoAdjust (256) |
Note: Not supported in this function. This style can only be set in the dialog template.
@csCenter (512)
Centers text horizontally in the control’s rectangle. (Cannot be used with style 1024)
Note: Not supported in this function for EDITBOX and MULTILINEBOX controls. This style can only be set in the dialog template. |
@csRight (1024) |
Displays text flush-right in the control’s rectangle. (Cannot be used with style 512)
@csCurLeft (2048) |
Prevents text selection when control gets the input focus. Cursor is placed to the left of any existing text in the control.
@csCurRight (4096) |
Prevents text selection when control gets the input focus. Cursor is placed to the right of any existing text in the control. |
@csShield (8192) |
Display Security Shield icon on button (Vista/2008 or newer) |
@csMenuCheck (32768) |
Adds a check mark to the left of a menu item |
@csMenuRadio (65536) |
Adds a radio button like dot graphic to the left of a menu item |
@csMenuSep (131072) |
Causes a separator bar graphic to display instead of text at the menu item's location in the menu |
@csMenuBreak (262144) |
Cause a column break to occur at the specific item when used with drop-down, context, or submenus. Causes a line break (new row) with menu items hosted directly by the MENUBAR |
@csNoHeader (524288) |
The header bar is not display across the top of the control. |
@csFirstHeader (1048576) |
The first row of the source array or file is treated as column header text. Note that this style is ignored when a WIL map is used as the contents source. |
@csGrid (2097152) |
The control displays vertical and horizontal lines to form a grid. |
@csSingleSel (4194304) |
Only one row can be selected at a time. |
@csFullSel (8388608) |
Selection highlighting extends to all sub items in the selected row. |
@csAsort (16777216) |
(sortascending) The control is populated with rows ordered from lowest to highest first column values. Sorts using a "WIL relational operator" sort (See ArraySort for details). The user can reorder control rows based on any column's values by clicking on the column header. |
@csDsort (33554432) |
(sortdescending) The control is populated with rows ordered from highest to lowest first column values. Sorts using an "WIL relational operator" sort (See ArraySort for details). The user can reorder control rows based on any column's values by clicking on the column header. |
@csColEdit (67108864) |
The first column text can be edited in place. |
@csColCheck (134217728) |
Enables check boxes for each first column item in the control. |
@csIncHeader (268435456) |
Causes the column header text to be included when the control's contents are save to file or array. |
@csCheckbox (134217728) |
Adds a check box that indicates no date/time value when unchecked. |
@csSpinner (536870912) |
Replaces the controls drop down calendar with a spinner. The spinner can be used to change the value of individual elements of the displayed date/time. |
@csLogSort (1073741824) |
(logical sort) The control is populated with rows ordered from lowest to highest first column values. Sorts using a case-insensitive logical sort (See ArraySort for details). The user can reorder control rows based on any column's values by clicking on the column header. The logical sort order can be change to a high to low sort by using the @csDsort style with the @csLogSort style. |
#DefineSubRoutine Flash(Handle,DialogMessage,DialogControlID,DialogEventInfo,DialogChangeInfo) Switch (DialogMessage) Case @deInit ; Initialization DialogProcOptions(Handle, 1, 250) ; Set a 1 quarter second timer. break; Case @deTimer ; Timer nStyle = DialogControlState(Handle,"StaticText_1",@dcsGetStyle,0) If nStyle & @csInvisible DialogControlState(Handle,"StaticText_1",@dcsRemStyle,@csInvisible) ; Clear the invisible bit Else DialogControlState(Handle,"StaticText_1",@dcsAddStyle,@csInvisible) ; Set the invisible bit EndIf break; EndSwitch Return @retDefault #EndSubRoutine FlasherFormat=`WWWDLGED,6.2` FlasherCaption=`Flasher` FlasherX=329 FlasherY=060 FlasherWidth=178 FlasherHeight=078 FlasherNumControls=002 FlasherProcedure=`Flash` FlasherFont=`DEFAULT` FlasherTextColor=`DEFAULT` FlasherBackground=`DEFAULT,DEFAULT` FlasherConfig=0 FlasherDPI=`96,8,16` Flasher001=`069,053,034,014,PUSHBUTTON,"PushButton_Stop",DEFAULT,"Stop!",1,1,DEFAULT,DEFAULT,DEFAULT,DEFAULT` Flasher002=`064,013,044,030,STATICTEXT,"StaticText_1",DEFAULT,DEFAULT,DEFAULT,2,0,DEFAULT,DEFAULT,"255|0|0"` ButtonPushed=Dialog("Flasher",1)
DialogProcOptions, DialogControlGet, DialogControlSet, User Defined Subroutine