Changes the Windows wallpaper.
WallPaper (bmp/html-name, tile)
(s) bmp/html-filename Name of the BMP/HTML wallpaper file.
(i) tile @TRUE if wallpaper should be tiled; @FALSE if wallpaper should not be tiled.; 2 - if the wallpaper should be stretched.
(i) always 0.
This function immediately changes the Windows wallpaper. It can even be used for wallpaper "slide shows".
This function supports the Active Desktop wallpaper in Internet Explorer 4.0.
DirChange("c:\windows") a = FileItemize("*.bmp") a = AskItemlist("Select New paper", a, @TAB, @UNSORTED, @SINGLE, @FALSE) TILE = @FALSE If FileSize(a) < 40000 Then TILE = @TRUE Wallpaper(a, TILE)