File Management



Function list

By type




AskDirectory( prompt, browse-root, start-dir, confirm-prompt, flags )

Displays a directory browse dialog box, and returns the selected directory name.

AskFileName( title, directory, filetypes, default filename, flag )

Returns the filename as selected by a FileOpen dialog box.

AskFileText( title, filename, sort mode, select mode [, selection-required] )

Allows the user to choose an item from a list box initialized with data from a file.

BinaryRead( handle, filename )

Reads a file into a binary buffer.

BinaryReadEx( handle, binary-offset, filename, file-offset, count )

Reads a portion of a file into a binary buffer.

BinaryReplace( bin-handle, search-string, replacement-string, match-case )

Replaces strings in a binary buffer.

BinaryWrite( handle, filename )

Writes a binary buffer to a file.

filename, file-offset, count )

Writes a portion of a binary buffer to a file.

ExeTypeInfo( exename )

Returns an integer describing the type of EXE file specified.

FileAppend( source-list, destination )

Appends one or more files to another file.

FileAttrGet( filename )

Returns file attributes.

FileAttrGetEx( filename )

Returns file attributes (extended).

FileAttrSet( file-list, settings )

Sets file attributes.

FileAttrSetEx( file-list, attributes, mode)

Sets file attributes (extended).

FileBaseName( filename [, flag])

Extracts the base filename from a full file path.

FileClose( filehandle )

Closes a file.

FileCompare( filename1, filename2 )

Compares two files.

FileCopy( source-list, destination, warning )

Copies files.

FileCopyAttr( source-list, destination, warning , attributes)

Copies files, and sets file attributes.

FileCreateTemp( prefix )

Creates a temporary file.

FileDelete( file-list )

Deletes files.

FileDigest( filename, algorithm, format )

Computes a message digest (hash) for a file.

FileEncoding( filename )

Determines the likely character set encoding of a text file.

FileExist( filename )

Test for the existence of files.

FileExtension( filename )

Returns the extension of a file.

FileFullName( partial filename )

Returns a file name with drive and path information.

FileGet( filename [, null-char])

Converts a file to a string variable.

FileGetW( filename [, null-char])

Converts a file to a Unicode string variable.

FileInfoToArray( file-list [, flags])

Returns information on a set of files, as an array.

FileItemize( file-list )

Builds a list of files.

FileItemPath( file-list )

Returns a delimited list of file paths

FileLocate( filename )

Finds a file within the current DOS path.

FileLockItemize( filename [,flags] )

Returns delimited list of filenames of processes locking a file.

FileMapName( filename, mapping-data )

Transforms a filename with a file wild-card mask and returns a new filename.

FileMove( source-list, destination, warning )

Moves files to another set of path names.

FileMoveAttr( source-list, destination, warning )

Moves files, and sets file attributes.

FileNameLong( filename )

Returns the long version of a filename.

FileNameShort( filename )

Returns the short (i.e., 8.3) version of a filename.

FileOpen( filename, mode [, Unicode [, timeout ]])

Opens a file for reading or writing.

FilePath( filename )

Returns path of a file.

FilePurge( in-filename, out-filename [, ignore-case [, character-set ]])

Removes duplicate records from a file.

FilePut( filename, string )

Writes a string to a file.

FilePutW( filename, Unicode string )

Writes a Unicode string to a file.

FileRead( filehandle )

Reads data from a file.

FileRename( source-list, destination )

Renames files to another set of names.

FileRoot( filename )

Returns root of a file.

FileSize( file-list [ ,format] )

Adds up the total size of a set of files.

FileSizeEx( file-list [ ,format] )

Finds the total size of a group of files (including open files).

FileTimeCode( filename )

Returns a machine readable/computable code for a file time.

FileTimeGet( filename )

Returns file date and time.

FileTimeGetEx( filename, time-field )

Gets extended time information for a file or directory.

FileTimeSet( list, datetime )

Sets the date and time of one or more files.

FileTimeSetEx( file-list, datetime, time-field )

Sets extended time information for one or more files.

FileTimeTouch( file-list )

Sets file(s) to current time.

FileVerInfo(filename, language-key, resource-string)

Returns a version resource string from a binary file.

FileWrite( filehandle, output-data )

Writes data to a file.

FileYmdHms( filename )

Returns a file time in the YmdHms datetime format.

IconExtract ( filename, icon filename, index )

Extracts an icon group from an EXE/DLL.

IconInfo( filename, filetype )

Returns information about the icons in an EXE/DLL or ICO file.

IconReplace( filename, icon filename [, index [, flags]] )

Replaces an existing icon group with a new icon group.

IniDelete( section, keyname )

Removes a line or section from WIN.INI.

IniDeletePvt( section, keyname, filename )

Removes a line or section from a private INI file.

IniItemize( section )

Lists keywords or sections in WIN.INI file.

IniItemizePvt( section, filename )

List keywords or sections in a private INI file.

IniRead( section, keyname, default )

Reads a string from the WIN.INI file.

IniReadPvt( section, keyname, default, filename )

Reads a string from a private INI file.

IniWrite( section, keyname, data )

Writes a string to the WIN.INI file.

IniWritePvt( section, keyname, data, filename )

Writes a string to a private INI file.

InstallFile( filename, targname, default-targdir, delete-old, flags )

Installs a file.

Print( data file, directory, display mode, reserved )

Instructs an application associated to a file to print the file on the default printer.

ShortCutDir( name/csidl [, source [, add-slash]] )

Gets the path of a folder identified by a name or CSIDL value.

ShortcutEdit ( link-name, target, params, start-dir, show-mode [, shortcut-type] )

Modifies the specified shortcut file.

ShortcutExtra( link-name, description, hotkey, icon-file, icon-index [, shortcut-type] )

Sets additional information for the specified shortcut file.

ShortcutInfo( link-name [, shortcut-type] )

Returns information on the specified shortcut file.

ShortcutMake( link-name, target, params, start-dir, show-mode [, shortcut-type] )

Creates a shortcut for the specified filename or directory.