Window Management
Function list
DllHwnd( partial-winname )
Obtains a window handle for use in DllCall's when required.
FindWindow( window class name )
Returns a window title matching a specified class name.
WallPaper( bmp-filename, tilemode )
Changes the Windows wallpaper.
WinActivate( partial-winname )
Makes an application window the active window.
WinActiveChild( partial-parent-windowname, partial-child-windowname )
Activates a previously running child window.
WinArrange( style )
Arranges all running application windows on the screen.
WinClose( partial-winname )
Closes an application window.
WindowOnTop( partial-winname, mode [,retry] )
Keep window on top.
WinExeName( partial-winname )
Returns the name of the executable file which created a specified window.
WinExist( partial-winname )
Tells if a window exists.
WinExistChild( partial-parent-windowname, partial-child-windowname )
Tells if a specified child window exists.
WinGetActive( )
Gets the title of the active window.
WinHide( partial-winname )
Hides an application window.
WinIconize( partial-winname )
Turns an application window into an icon.
WinIdConvert( hwnd/winid )
Returns a unique "Window ID" (pseudo-handle) form a window handle or a window handle from a "Window ID".
WinIdGet( partial-winname )
Returns a unique "Window ID" (pseudo-handle) for the specified window name.
WinIsDOS( partial-winname )
Tells whether or not a particular window is a DOS or console-type window.
WinIsRuntimeApp( partial-winname )
Tells whether or not a particular window is a Windows Store App.
WinItemChild( partial-parent-windowname )
Returns a list of all the child windows under this parent.
WinItemize( )
Returns a tab-delimited list of all open windows.
WinItemizeEx( partial-winname, multiple, hidden [, return-type] )
Returns the full name of window(s) matching a partial window name.
Returns a list of all open windows and their Window ID's.
WinItemProcID( process-id, flags, return-type )
Returns a list of window ID's for the specified process.
WinName( )
Returns the name of the window calling the WIL Interpreter.
WinPlace( x-ulc, y-ulc, x-brc, y-brc, partial-winname )
Changes the size and position of an application window on the screen.
WinPlaceChild( x-ulc, y-ulc, x-brc, y-brc, partial-parent-winname, partial-child-winname )
Places a child window.
WinPlaceGet( win-type partial-winname )
Returns window coordinates.
WinPlaceSet( win-type, partial-winname, position -string )
Sets window coordinates.
WinPosition( partial-winname )
Returns window position.
WinPositionChild( partial-parent-winname, partial-child-winname )
Returns child window position.
WinShow( partial-winname )
Shows a window in its "normal" state.
WinState( partial-winname )
Returns the current state of a window.
WinSysInfo( )
Returns system configuration information.
WinTitle( old-partial-winname, new-winname )
Changes the title of an application window.
WinWaitChild( partial parent winname, partial child winname, timeout )
Waits for a child window to exist.
WinWaitClose( partial-winname [, timeout] )
Waits until an application window is closed.
WinWaitExist( partial-winname, timeout )
Waits for a window to exist.
WinWaitReady( partial-winname, timeout )
Waits until an application is waiting for user input.
WinZoom( partial-winname )
Maximizes an application window to full-screen.