Important Functions
Function list
AskDirectory( prompt, browse-root, start-dir, confirm-prompt, flags )
Displays a directory browse dialog box, and returns the selected directory name.
AskFileName( title, directory, filetypes, default filename, flag )
Returns the filename as selected by a FileOpen dialog box.
AskFileText( title, filename, sort mode, select mode [, selection-required] )
Allows the user to choose an item from a list box initialized with data from a file.
AskItemList( title, list, delimiter, sort mode, select mode [, selection-required] )
Allows the user to choose an item from a list box initialized with a list variable.
AskLine( title, prompt, default [, format] )
Lets the user enter a line of information.
AskTextBox( title, prompt, default, flags, reserved )
Prompts the user for multiple lines of input.
AskYesNo( title, question )
Lets the user choose from Yes, No, or Cancel.
ComputerNameGet( format )
Gets the name associated with the local computer.
ComputerNameSet( new-computername, format )
Sets the name associated with the local computer.
Debug( mode [, init-string] )
Turns the Debug mode on or off.
Dialog( dialog-name [, ignore-flag] )
Displays a user-defined dialog box.
DirChange( [d:]path )
Changes the current directory.
DirExist( pathname )
Determines if a directory exists.
DirGet( )
Returns the current directory path.
DirHome( )
Returns the initial directory path.
DirItemize( dir-list )
Builds a list of directories.
DirMake( [d:]path )
Creates a new directory.
DirRemove( dir-list )
Removes an existing empty directory.
DirRename( [d:]oldpath, [d:]newpath )
Renames a directory.
Returns the full directory path (without the filename) of the current WinBatch program.
Display( seconds, title, text )
Momentarily displays a string.
ErrorMode( mode )
Specifies how to handle errors.
FileCopy( source-list, filename/mask, mode )
Copies files.
FileCopyAttr( source-list, destination, warning , attributes)
Copies files, and sets file attributes.
FileCreateTemp( prefix )
Creates a temporary file.
FileDelete( filelist )
Deletes files.
FileExist( filename )
Tests for the existence of files.
For varname = initial value to final value [ by increment ]
Controls the looping of a block of code base
in an incrementing index.
Transfers control of WIL processing while saving location
of the next statement.
If ... Else ... Endifexpression
Conditionally performs a function.
IniReadPvt( section, keyname, default, filename )
Reads a string from a private INI file.
ItemCount( list, delimiter )
Returns the number of items in a list.
ItemCountCsv( line, flags [, delimiter] )
Returns the number of items in a CSV line.
ItemExtract( index, list, delimiter )
Returns the selected item from a list.
ItemExtractCsv( index, line, flags [, delimiter] )
Returns the selected item from a CSV line.
Message( title, text )
Displays text in a message box.
NetInfo( request code )
Determines network(s) installed.
Pause( title, text )
Displays Text in a message box.
RegApp( program-name, path)
Creates registry entries for a program under "App Paths".
RegExistKey( handle, subkey-string )
Checks whether a registry key exists.
RegQueryValue( keyhandle, sub-key string )
Returns data item string at sub-key position.
RegSetValue( keyhandle, sub-key string, value )
Sets the value of a data item in the registration database.
Returns a number indicating the current execution mode of WinBatch.
Run( program-name, params )
Runs a program as a normal window.
RunShell( program-name, params, directory, displaymode, waitflag )
An advanced form of the Run function that even allows the specification of a working directory, along with the window view mode and whether or not to wait for completion of the run program in a single function.
RunWait( program-name, params )
Runs a program as a normal window, and waits for it to close.
SendKeysTo( parent-windowname, sendkey string )
Sends keystrokes to a "windowname".
SendMenusTo( partial-parent-windowname, menuname )
Activates a window and sends a specified menu option.
ShellExecute ( program-name, params, directory, display mode, operation )
Runs a program via the Windows ShellExecute command
StrCat( string [ ,string ] )
Concatenates strings together.
StrIndex( string, sub-string, start, direction)
Searches a string for a sub-string.
StrInsert ( base-string, new-string, [pad-string [, start [, length]]] )
Inserts a new string into an existing string. (Windows NT and newer)
StrLen( string )
Returns the length of a string.
StrOverlay( base-string, new-string, [pad-string [, start [, length]]] )
Overlays a new string onto an existing string.
StrReplace( string, old, new )
Replaces all occurrences of a sub-string with another.
StrSub( string, startpos, length )
Returns a sub-string from within a string.
Switch varname
Allows selection among multiple blocks of statements.
SysParamInfo ( request, value, ini-update)
Retrieves or sets the value of one of the system-wide parameters.
TimeDelay( seconds )
Pauses execution for a specified amount of time.
TimeWait( datetime)
Pauses execution and waits for the datetime to pass.
While expression
Conditionally and/or repeatedly executes a series of statements.
WinActivate( partial-winname )
Activates a previously running parent window.
WinClose( partial-winname )
Closes an application window.
WinExist( partial-winname )
Tells if a window exists.
WinMetrics( request# )
Returns Windows system information.
WinWaitChild( partial parent winname, partial child winname, timeout )
Waits for a child window to exist.
WinWaitExist( partial-winname, timeout )
Waits for a window to exist.