System Information
Function list
About( )
Displays the About message box.
AddExtender( filename [,version [,alternatefilename]] )
Installs a WIL extender Dll.
AppExist( program-name [, flags [, retries]])
Tells if an application is running.
AppProcID( program-name [, flags [, retries]])
Gets list of application process ids.
AppWaitClose( program-name [, flags [, retries]])
Suspends WIL program execution until a specified application has been closed.
Beeps at the user.
ComputerNameGet( format )
Gets the name associated with the local computer.
ComputerNameSet( new-computername, format )
Sets the name associated with the local computer.
Debug( mode [, init-string] )
Turns the Debug mode on or off.
DebugData( string, string )
Writes data via the Windows OutputDebugString function
to the default destination.
DebugTrace ( requestcode [ ,parm1 [, parm2 ]] )
Controls and customizes the WIL debugging trace logs.
DirHome( )
Returns the initial directory path.
DirWindows( request# )
Returns the name of the Windows or Windows System directory.
DiskExist( drive letter )
Tests for the existence of a drive.
DiskFree( drive-list [, format] )
Finds the total available (unused) disk space on a group of drives.
DiskInfo( request# )
Returns information on the specified disk drive.
DiskScan( request# )
Returns a list of drives.
DiskSize ( request# [, format] )
Finds the total size of the specified drive(s).
DiskVolInfo( root-path, request# )
Returns information on a file system volume.
DllCall( dllfilename/dllhandle, returntype:entrypoint [ paramtype:param... ] )
Calls an external Dll.
DllCallCdecl( dllfilename/dllhandle, returntype:entrypoint [ ,paramtype:param... ] )
Calls an external DLL using the Cdecl calling convention.
DllFree( dllhandle )
Frees a Dll that was loaded via the DllLoad function.
DllHinst( partial-winname )
Obtains an application instance handle for use in DllCall's when required.
DllHwnd( partial-winname )
Obtains a window handle for use in DllCall's when required.
Returns the most recent error returned by a DllCall to a Win32 API.
DllLoad( dllname )
Loads a Dll for later use via the DllCall function.
DOSVersion( level )
Returns the version numbers of the current version of DOS.
Drop( varname [,varname...] )
Deletes variables to recover their memory.
DropWild( variable/wildcard )
Removes variables from memory.
EndSession( )
Ends the current Windows session.
Environment( env-variable )
Gets a DOS environment variable.
EnvironSet( env-varname, newvalue )
Changes LOCAL Environment variables.
EnvItemize( )
Returns a delimited list of the current environment.
ErrorMode( mode )
Sets what happens in the event of an error.
Exclusive( mode )
Controls whether or not other Windows programs will get
any time to execute.
Execute statement
Directly executes a WIL statement.
ExeTypeInfo( exefilename )
Returns an integer describing the type of EXE file specified.
Unconditionally ends a WIL program.
FileFullName( partial filename )
Returns a file name with drive and path information.
FileGet( filename [, null-char] )
Converts a file to a string variable.
FileGetW( filename [, null-char] )
Converts a file to a Unicode string variable.
FileMapName( filename, mapping-data )
Transforms a filename with a file wild-card mask and returns a new filename.
FileTimeCode( filename )
Returns a machine readable/computable code for a file time.
FileTimeGet( filename )
Returns file date and time.
FileTimeGetEx( filename, time-field )
Gets extended time information for a file or directory.
FileTimeSet( list, datetime )
Sets the date and time of one or more files.
FileTimeSetEx( file-list, datetime, time-field )
Sets extended time information for one or more files.
FileTimeTouch( file-list )
Sets file(s) to current time.
FileVerInfo( filename, language-key, resource-string )
Returns a version resource string from a binary file.
GetExactTime( )
Returns the current time in hundredths of a second.
GetTickCount( )
Returns the number of clock ticks used by Windows since
Windows started.
IntControl( request#, p1, p2, p3, p4 )
Special function which permits an internal operation.
KeyToggleGet( @key )
Returns the status of a toggle key.
KeyToggleSet( @key, value )
Sets the state of a toggle key and returns the previous value.
LastError ( )
Returns the last error encountered.
MouseInfo( request# )
Returns assorted mouse information.
MsgTextGet( window-name )
Returns the contents of a Windows message box.
NetInfo( request code )
Determines network(s) installed.
Returns a number indicating the current execution mode of WinBatch.
Sounds( request# )
Controls sound effects generated by WIL. This feature is off by default as windows generally supplies its own sound effects.
SoundVolume( level )
Sets the speaker volume.
SysParmInfo( request. value, ini-update)
Retrieves or sets the value of one of the system-wide parameters.
Terminate( expression, title, message )
Conditionally ends a WIL program.
Version( )
Returns the version of the parent program currently running.
VersionDLL( )
Returns the version of the WIL interpreter currently running.
WinExeName( partial-winname )
Returns the name of the executable file which created a specified window.
WinExist( partial-winname )
Tells if a window exists.
WinExistChild( partial-parent-windowname, partial-child-windowname )
Tells if a specified child window exists.
WinGetActive( )
Gets the title of the active window.
WinHelp( helpfile, function, keyword )
Calls a Windows help file.
WinIsDOS( partial-winname )
Tells whether or not a particular window is a DOS or console-type window.
WinIsRuntimeApp( partial-winname )
Tells whether or not a particular window is a Windows Store App.
WinItemChild( partial-parent-windowname )
Returns a list of all the child windows under this parent.
WinItemize( )
Returns a tab-delimited list of all open windows.
WinItemizeEx( partial-winname, multiple, hidden [, return-type] )
Returns the full name of window(s) matching a partial window name.
Returns a list of all open windows and their Window ID's.
WinItemProcID( process-id, flags, return-type )
Returns a list of window ID's for the specified process.
WinMetrics( request# )
Returns Windows system information.
WinName( )
Returns the name of the window calling the WIL Interpreter.
WinResources( request# [, format] )
Returns information on available memory and resources.
WinState( partial-winname )
Returns the current state of a window.
WinSysInfo( )
Returns system configuration information.
WinVersion( level )
Returns the version of Windows that is currently running.
Yields( count )
Provides time for other windows to do processing.