InterProgram Communication



Function list

By type




AddExtender( filename [,version [,alternatefilename]] )

Installs a WIL extender Dll.

AppExist( program-name [, flags [, retries]] )

Tells if an application is running.

AppWaitClose( program-name [, flags [, retries]] )

Suspends WIL program execution until a specified application has been closed.

ClipAppend( string )

Appends a string to the end of the Clipboard.

ClipGet( )

Returns the Clipboard contents into a string.

ClipGetEx( format )

Returns the contents of the Windows clipboard in a specified format.

ClipHasFormat( format )

Determines if the clipboard contains a particular format.

ClipPut( string )

Replaces the Clipboard contents with a string.

CreateObject( progId, location)

Pseudonym for ObjectCreate. Creates and returns a reference to a COM/OLE object.

DDEExecute( channel, [commandstring] )

Sends commands to a DDE server application.

DDEInitiate( app name, topic name )

Opens a DDE channel.

DDEPoke( channel, item name, item value )

Sends data to a DDE server application.

DDERequest( channel, item name )

Gets data from a DDE server application.

DDETerminate( channel )

Closes a DDE channel.

DDETimeout( value in seconds )

Sets the DDE time-out value.

EnvironSet( env-varname, newvalue )

Changes LOCAL Environment variables.

GetObject( moniker, progId)

Pseudonym for ObjectGet. Returns a reference to an object provided by a COM/OLE component.

IntControl( request#, p1, p2, p3, p4 )

Special function which permits an internal operation.

MouseClick( click-type, modifiers )

Clicks mouse button(s).

MouseClickBtn( parent-windowname, child-windowname, button-text )

Clicks on the specified button control.

MouseCoords( parent-windowname, child-windowname )

Returns coordinates of the mouse within a window.

MouseMove( X, Y, parent-windowname, child-windowname )

Moves the mouse to the specified X-Y coordinates.

MousePlay( X-Y-coordinates, parent-window, child-window, buttons, delay )

Performs full range of mouse associated activities.

MsgTextGet( msgboxtitle )

Returns the contents of a Windows message box.

ObjectAccess( app.objname )

Opens or creates a COM/OLE Automation object.

ObjectCollectionClose( enumeration-handle )

Ends enumeration of a COM/OLE collection object.

ObjectCollectionNext( enumeration-handle )

Continues enumeration of a COM/OLE collection object.

ObjectCollectionOpen( objecthandle )

Initializes enumeration of a COM/OLE collection object.

ObjectConstantsGet( object )

Creates a Constants object.

ObjectConstToArray( constants )

Creates an array of Constants object names and values.

ObjectClose( objecthandle )

Closes COM/OLE automation object.

ObjectCreate( progId, location)

Creates and returns a reference to a COM/OLE object.

ObjectEventAdd( object-reference, event-name, udf-name )

Associates a user-defined function or subroutine with a COM object event.

ObjectEventRemove( object-reference, event-name )

Cancels the association between a user-defined function or subroutine and a COM object event.

ObjectGet( moniker, progId )

Returns a reference to an object provided by a COM/OLE component.

ObjectOpen( objectname )

Opens or creates a COM/OLE automation object.

ObjectType( variant-type, value )

Creates a WIL variable with a specific COM/OLE variant type.

ObjectTypeGet( variable-name )

Gets the COM/OLE variant type of a WIL variable.

PipeClientClose( pipe-handle )

Closes a named pipe connection.

PipeClientOpen( pipe-name, timeout )

Connects to a named pipe.

PipeClientSendRecvData( pipe-handle, data, read-timeout )

Writes a message to a named pipe and then reads a message back.

PipeInfo( request, pipe-handle )

Returns information about a pipe or pipe operation.

PipeServerClose( pipe-handle, timeout )

Closes a named pipe instance.

PipeServerCreate( pipe-name, timeout )

Creates an instance of a named pipe and waits for a client to connect. (Windows NT family only)

PipeServerRead( pipe-handle, timeout )

Reads a message from a named pipe.

PipeServerWrite( pipe-handle, data)

Writes a message to a named pipe.

Print( data file, directory, display mode, reserved )

Instructs an application associated to a file to print the file on the default printer.

SendKey( sendkey string [,delay])

Sends keystrokes to the currently active window.

SendKeysChild( partial-parent-windowname, partial-child-windowname, sendkey string [,delay])

Sends keystrokes to the active child window.

SendKeysTo( parent-windowname, sendkey string [,delay])

Sends keystrokes to a "windowname".

SendMenusTo( partial-parent-windowname, menuname )

Activates a window and sends a specified menu option.

TerminateApp( winname/appname, name-type, flags )

Terminates an application.

WinActivate( partial-winname )

Makes an application window the active window.

WinActiveChild( partial-parent-windowname, partial-child-windowname )

Activates a previously running child window.

WinClose( partial-winname )

Closes an application window.

WinExeName( partial-winname )

Returns the name of the executable file which created a specified window.

WinExist( partial-winname )

Tells if specified window exists.

WinExistChild( partial-parent-windowname, partial-child-windowname )

Tells if a specified child window exists.

WinGetActive( )

Gets the title of the active window.

WinIdGet( partial-winname )

Returns a unique "Window ID" (pseudo-handle) for the specified window name.

WinIsDOS( partial-winname )

Tells whether or not a particular window is a DOS or console-type window.

WinIsRuntimeApp( partial-winname )

Tells whether or not a particular window is a Windows Store App.

WinItemChild( partial-parent-windowname )

Returns a list of all the child windows under this parent.

WinItemize( )

Lists all the main windows currently running.

WinItemizeEx( partial-winname, multiple, hidden [, return-type] )

Returns the full name of window(s) matching a partial window name.

WinItemProcID( process-id, flags, return-type )

Returns a list of window ID's for the specified process.

WinItemNameId( )

Returns a list of all open windows and their Window ID's.

WinState( partial-winname )

Returns the current state of a window.


Pauses WIL processing so other applications can process some messages.