Edit Box


A box in which text can be typed. Normally, when a dialog box opens, Edit Boxes are empty.

You can specify a default string to display, by assigning a value to the Variable before calling the Dialog function

Whatever the user types in the Edit Box is placed in the variable named in the Variable attribute

Note: Variable names that begin with "PW_", will be treated as password fields causing asterisks to be echoed for the actual characters that the user types.

The AskPassword function is a simple way of asking for a password. However, when a dialog must include additional information, the Dialog Editor can be used to create a custom password Edit Box.

Here's an example of how to incorporate a password field into a dialog box.





Control Attributes



Check Box

Com Control


Drop-down Combo Box

Edit Box

File List Box

Group Box

Item List Box

Menu Bar

Menu Item

Multiline Edit Box


Picture Button

Push Button

Radio Button

Report View


Static Text

Variable Text




For example, the line in the script generated by the WIL Dialog Editor may look like: