Check Box


A square box, in which an "X" appears when selected. The Check Box offers a way to present a variety of options. Each Check Box has its own specific information. Variable, Value and Text are all different, allowing the user to select more than one. Any number may be marked or left unmarked.

A Check Box can have a value of 0 (unchecked) or 1 (checked). Each checkbox in a dialog should use a unique Variable.

The Check Box control will return the user’s selection in the variable you supply as the Variable attribute in the control’s definition. The value 1 indicates the control was checked, and 0 indicates the control was not checked.

Normally, when a dialog box opens, every checkbox defaults to being unchecked. You can change this by assigning a value of 1 to the variable before calling the Dialog function.





Control Attributes



Check Box

Com Control


Drop-down Combo Box

Edit Box

File List Box

Group Box

Item List Box

Menu Bar

Menu Item

Multiline Edit Box


Picture Button

Push Button

Radio Button

Report View


Static Text

Variable Text



For example, the line in the script generated by the WIL Dialog Editor may look like:


Monster003=`079,023,064,014,CHECKBOX,"CheckBox_1",flesh,"Green Skin",1,3,DEFAULT,DEFAULT,DEFAULT,DEFAULT`


The following example generates this dialog:
