Array Handling


Multidimensional arrays in WinBatch use 'Row Major' format. For Example:

arrMyArray[ row_index , column_index ]



Function list

By type





ArrayFileGet( filename [, null-char [, extra-alloc]] )

Converts a file to a one-dimension array.

ArrayFileGetCsv( filename, flags [, delimiter [, extra-rows [, extra-cols]]] )

Converts a CSV file to a two-dimension array.

ArrayFilePut( filename, array [, write-undef] )

Writes a one-dimension array to a file.

ArrayFilePutCsv( filename, array [, delimiter [, write-undef [, flags]] )

Writes a two-dimension array to a file.

ArrayFromStr( string )

Accepts a text string and returns a one dimension array with one character per array element.

ArrayInsert( array, sub [, dim [, value]] )

Performs in-place insertion of an element into a single dimension array, or the in-place.

ArrayItemize( array [, delimiter] )

Converts an array to a delimited list.

Arrayize( list, delimiter )

Converts a delimited list to an array.

ArrayLocate( array, value, [sub1, [sub2, [sub3, [sub4, [sub5]]]]] )

Searches an array for an element that matches a value.

ArrayRedim( array, dim1 [, dim2 [, dim3 [, dim4 [, dim5 ] ] ] ] )

Changes array dimensions in-place.

ArrayRemove( array, sub, [ dim ] )

Performs in-place removal of an element from a single dimension array, or the in-place removal of a row or column from a two dimension array.

ArrayReverse( array, [, dimension ] )

Reverses the order of the elements in a WIL array or a variant safearray in place.

ArraySearch( array, value [, options [, search-column[, start-sub[, end-sub]]]] )

Searches a one or two dimension array for an element that matches a value..

ArraySlice(array, fist1, last1, [first2, last2, [first3, last4, [first4, last4, [first5, last5]]]] )

Returns subset of array elements.

ArraySort( array, [options, [sort-column, [start-sub, [end-sub]]]] )

Performs an in-place sort of arrays with one or two dimensions.

ArraySwapElements( array, subA1, subA2, subA3, subA4, subA5, subB1, subB2, subB3, subB4, subB5  )

Swaps elements in an array.

ArrDimension( dim1 [, dim2 [, dim3 [, dim4 [, dim5 ] ] ] ] )

Creates an array.

ArrayToStr( array )

Accepts a single dimension array and returns a text string constructed from the concatenation of each array element.

ArrInfo( array, request )

Gets information about an array.

ArrInitialize( array, value )

Initializes an array.

MapCreate( [keys-values[, kv-delimtier[, pr-delimiter]]] )

Creates a WIL map.

MapFileGetCsv( filename[, delimiter] )

Creates a WIL map from a file.

MapFilePutCsv( filename, map[, delimtier [,write-undef[, flags]]] )

Writes a WIL map to a file.

MapKeyExist( map, key )

Tests for existence of a key in a WIL map.

MapKeyFind( map, key[, not_found] )

Finds a key in a WIL map and returns its value.

MapKeyRemove( map, key )

Deletes a key-value pair from a WIL map.