WinBatch Functions


This section includes only those additional WinBatch functions which do not appear in the WIL help file. The WIL help file is your primary reference to the functions available in WinBatch.

Note: The functions listed under the See Also headings may be documented either in this Help file or in the WIL Reference help file.

Function List

General WinBatch Functions



Causes a breakpoint on the next statement when used with a script debugger. Otherwise the command does nothing.

ExtractAttachedFile( source-name, target-name )

Extracts an embedded file from a compiled large EXE. {compiled version only}


Service Functions


SvcSetAccept( codes )

Specifies the control codes that the service will accept.

SvcSetState( state )

Updates the service control manager's status information for the service.

SvcWaitForCmd( timeout )

Waits or checks for receipt of a service control code.


Generic Box Functions


BoxOpen( title, text )

Opens a WinBatch message box.

BoxShut( )

Closes the WinBatch message box.

BoxText( text )

Changes the text in the WinBatch message box.

BoxTitle( title )

Changes the title of the WinBatch message box.


Graphical Box Functions

The 'box' functions cannot be used with WIl Dialogs, the Filemenu or Popmenu utilities.


These WinBatch box functions generate attractive boxes with graphical interface elements. With a small number of primitive functions, very complex screens may be generated. The Box functions can draw lines, rectangles, circles, ellipses, text, and even additional windows on the screen. Plus they provide control over the size, placement, and color of the images.


Note: Another way to create graghical dialogs, is to use the WIL Dialog Editor.


The WinBatch setup program uses WinBatch box functions to display the GUI part of the user interface. Additional "box" wbt files can be found in the Winbatch\ Samples directory.


First, before we get into detailed descriptions of the box functions, we must define two very important data types. These are the "coordinate" and the "color" data type parameters.


Coordinate Parameters

Color Parameters


Additional Box functions are:

BoxBitmap( box ID, coordinates, filename, stretch-mode )

BoxButtonDraw( box ID, button ID, text, coordinates )

BoxButtonKill( box ID, button ID )

BoxButtonStat( box ID, button ID )

BoxButtonWait( )

BoxCaption( box ID, caption )

BoxColor( box ID, color, wash color )

BoxDestroy( box ID )

BoxDrawCircle( box ID, coordinates, style )

BoxDrawLine( box ID, coordinates )

BoxDrawRect( box ID, coordinates, style )

BoxDrawText( box ID, coordinates, text, erase flag, alignment )

BoxesUp( coordinates, show mode )

BoxMapMode( box ID, map mode )

BoxNew( box ID, coordinates, style )

BoxPen( box ID, color, width )

BoxTextColor( box ID, color )

BoxTextFont( box ID, name, size, style, pitch & family )

BoxUpdates( box ID, update flag )


Drawing Stack Management

BoxDataClear( box ID, tag )

BoxDataTag( box ID, tag )


WinBatch Console Commands

Cin prompt

Gets a line of input from the user.

Cout expression

Evaluates and displays an expression.