

Displays text in a WinBatch box.


BoxDrawText(box ID, coordinates, text, erase flag, alignment)


(i) box ID the ID number of the desired WinBatch box.

(s) coordinates dimensions of bounding rectangle for text, in virtual units in virtual units (upper-x upper-y lower-x lower-y).

(s) text text to be displayed.

(i) erase flag @TRUE if background should be cleared; @FALSE if it shouldn't.

(i) alignment alignment mode for text.


(i) @TRUE on success; @FALSE on failure.


Draws text on the screen using the current BoxTextColor and BoxTextFont. Text may extend beyond the boxes boundaries if the allotted space is exceeded or size of the text is too large.

Note: In order to update text, make sure the proper coordinates are specified for the given text.

Alignment is a bitmask, consisting of one or more of the following optional flags (OR'ed together):

0 left justified

1 centered horizontally

2 right-justified

4 centered vertically

8 bottom-justified (single line only)

16 wrap long lines

32 adjust font so that text fills width of bounding rectangle (single line only)

64 right-justify text by adding space between words

128 clip (truncate) text if it doesn't fit within specified rectangle

1000x1000 virtual screen size is based on the primary monitor in a multi-monitor display configuration.


;; sample code for BoxDrawText
BoxesUp("200,200,800,800", @NORMAL)
BoxDrawText(1, "200,200,750,250", "WinBatch Box Example - BoxDrawText ",@TRUE, 0)
BoxCaption(1, "WinBatch BoxDrawText Example")
BoxDrawText(1, "100,350,900,400", "Use BoxDrawText to display information to your user's. ", @TRUE, 0)
See Also:

BoxDrawCircle, BoxDrawLine, BoxDrawRect, BoxesUp, BoxNew