Draws an ellipse in a WinBatch box.
BoxDrawCircle(box ID, coordinates, style)
(i) box ID the ID number of the desired WinBatch box.
(s) coordinates dimensions of circle, in virtual units (upper-x upper-y lower-x lower-y).
(i) style style of circle to be drawn.
(i) @TRUE on success; @FALSE on failure.
Draws an ellipse on the screen using the current BoxPen for the outline, and the current BoxColor for the inside of the box.
1000x1000 virtual screen size is based on the primary monitor in a multi-monitor display configuration.
0 empty circle with border
1 filled circle with border
2 filled circle with no border
3 transparent circle/rectangle with border.
;; sample script for BoxDrawCircle BoxesUp("0,0,1000,1000", @NORMAL) BoxColor(1,"255,255,0",0) BoxDrawRect(1,"0,0,1000,1000",2) BoxColor(1,"0,0,255",4) BoxDrawText(1, "0,500,1000,1000", "WinBatch Box Example - BoxDrawCircle ",@FALSE, 1) BoxCaption(1, "WinBatch BoxDrawCircle Example") BoxDrawCircle(1, "30,41,310,365", 0) BoxDrawText(1, "30,381,310,400", "Style 0 - empty with border ", @FALSE, 1) BoxDrawCircle(1, "330,41,610,365", 1) BoxDrawText(1, "330,381,610,400", "Style 1 - filled with border ", @FALSE, 1) BoxColor(1,"255,0,0",4) BoxDrawCircle(1, "639,41,919,365", 2) BoxDrawText(1, "639,381,919,400", "Style 2 - filled with no border ", @FALSE, 1) BoxDrawCircle(1, "30,41,919,365", 3) BoxDrawText(1, "330,11,610,100", "Style 3 - transparent circle with border. ", @FALSE, 1) TimeDelay(5)