Sets the text color for a WinBatch box.
BoxTextColor(box ID, color)
(i) box ID the ID number of the desired WinBatch box.
(s) color text color.
(i) @TRUE on success; @FALSE on failure.
BoxTextColor defines the color of text for a particular box. The default is black.
"Color" is a string in the form: "red, green, blue".
BLACK="0,0,0" WHITE="255,255,255" RED="255,0,0" GREEN="0,255,0" |
DKGRAY="128,128,128" GRAY="192,192,192" DKRED="128,0,0" DKGREEN="0,128,0" |
BLUE="0,0,255" PURPLE="255,0,255" YELLOW="255,255,0" CYAN="0,255,255" |
DKBLUE="0,0,128" DKPURPLE="128,0,128" DKYELLOW="128,128,0" DKCYAN="0,128,128" |
;; sample script for BoxTextColor BoxesUp("200,200,800,800", @NORMAL) BoxCaption(1, "WinBatch BoxTextColor Example") x1="0,0,0" ;BLACK x2="0,0,128" ;DKBLUE x3="255,0,0" ;RED x4="0,255,0" ;GREEN x5="255,0,255" ;PURPLE x6="255,255,0" ;YELLOW x7="0,255,255" ;CYAN For i=1 To 7 BoxTextColor(1,x%i%) BoxDrawText(1, "0,350,1000,1000", "WinBatch Box Example-BoxTextColor", @TRUE, 1) TimeDelay(2) Next