SQLite Function List


slClose ( [object-handle] )

Releases all resources associated with a database or statement or resources associated with all open databases and statements.


slConnect ( database-URI )

Returns a database object handle for a new or existing database from a file or in-memory.


slExecute ( database-handle, SQL-statements[, options ] )

Executes one or more text SQL statements and optionally returns the results as a rank 2 array.


slGetInfo ( option )

Retrieves the extender version and other information about the extender.


slSerialize ( database-handle, file-name[, schema-name] )

Saves the serialization of a database to a new or existing file.


slStatement ( database-handle, SQL-statement [, placeholder-values ])

Compiles an SQL statement with optional placeholder values and returns a statement handle.


slStmExec ( statement-handle[, &row[, options]] )

Executes a compiled SQL statement and optionally returning one row of any results in a WIL variable with each call to the function.


slStmExecAll ( statement-handle[, options] )

Executes a compiled SQL statement and returns the results as a rank 2 or optionally rank 1 WIL array.


slStmExecMany ( statement-handle, placeholder-values[, first-row[, row-count]])

Executes a compiled SQL statement using one or more supplied placeholder values from the supplied WIL map or array.


slStmReset (statement-handle[, placeholder-values] )

Returns a compiled SQL statement to the begin query state and optionally adds new placeholder values.