

SQLite Extender*

The SQLite extender provides WinBatch® scripts access to SQLite databases. SQLite is a popular, small, fast, and open-source SQL database engine. It is used on many platforms including Windows® systems. The extender's functions provide full support for the SQLite dialect of SQL and seamless conversion of SQLite data types to equivalent WIL variable types without the overhead of COM or .Net.


The extender has both the FTS5 and CSV SQLite extensions built in. The FTS5 extension uses VIRTUAL tables to provide very fast full text search functionality. The CSV extension uses VIRTUAL tables to allows you to query Comma Separated Value (CSV) files using SQL statements without having to convert the entire file into an SQLite database.


The extender also supports all built-in SQLite SQL dialect functions including the JSON data functions.


Visit and search the SQLite.org Website for detailed information about the SQLite dialect of SQL and SQLite functions and extensions.


Note: Several script examples in this help file use the well-known Northwind sample database (originally included in MS Access 2000). The extender installation provides an SQL script that when executed builds your own copy of the SQLite version of the Northwind database. Use the extender's slExecute function to create your copy. The Northwind SQL script can be found in the WinBatch® Samples folder.


To access the functions in this extender add the following to your script:


32-bit Extender


Requires:Windows Vista/2008 or newer.


64-bit Extender


Requires:Windows Vista/2008 or newer.


64-bit and 32-bit Extender


Requires:Windows Vista/2008 or newer.


Note: The SQLite extender at a minimum requires Windows Vista/2008. Attempting to load the extender into a script on earlier versions of Windows will cause a kernel exception and abrupt script termination.


*The SQLite Extender documentation assumes a basic understanding of the SQL language and does not include an SQL tutorial. An SQL tutorial can be found on the W3schools Website. More information about SQLite and be found on the searchable SQLite Website.




The SQLite extender can…


  • Process SQL database queries

  • Add data to a existing SQLite databases

  • Create new SQLite databases

  • Use virtual tables to perform full text searches of documents

  • Process SQLite JSON functions contained in SQL statements

  • Use virtual tables to process CSV files as databases

  • Use SQLite configuration and schema pragmas


The SQLite extender cannot...


  • Perform online database backups

  • Be a substitute for understanding SQL (Structured Query Language)