Compiling WIL Extenders


The WinBatch+Compiler has two options for compiling scripts into executables: Large EXE for Standalone PC's and Small EXE for Networked PC's. When any extender functions are used in a script, the corresponding extender must be compiled into the executable, or placed where the executable can access it.


The Large Standalone EXE option of the Compiler has an additional button. The EXTENDERS button displays a list of extenders which can be selected to be compiled into a Standalone EXE.


When a Large Standalone EXE is launched, it first scans the local directory, the \Windows\System directory, and the PATH looking for its main required DLL. If not found, then it proceeds to extract "EMERGENCY COPIES" out of itself and places them in the local directory. If for some reason they cannot be written to that directory (perhaps the directory is set to be Read Only), then the WinBatch EXE will quit with an error. For this reason, when making CD-ROMS, we recommend creating Small EXEs and putting the EXE and required DLLs in the same directory on the CD.