SQLite Extender Errors


241101: Invalid argument.

241102: Wrong number of parameters.

241103: System runtime error.

241104: String conversion to UTF-8 failed.

241105: SQLite connect failed.

241106: System memory error.

241107: Stardard library error.

241108: Invalid SQLite object handle.

241109: Statement creation failed.

241110: String conversion to Unicode failed.

241111: WIL array creation failed.

241112: Adding element to WIL array failed.

241113: Unable to process SQL request.

241114: Invalid WIL pointer.

241115: Internal error. WIL Map creation failed.

241116: Internal error. WIL variable update failed.

241117: SQLite library error.

241118: Connection handle required with SQL statements.

241119: Extender function requires WIL DLL version 6.21bub or newer.

241120: Error obtaining WIL array information.

241121: Array has incorrect number of values.

241122: Array has incorrect number of rows.

241123: Fetching element to WIL array failed.

241124: Unsupported array or map contents found.

241125: String convertion to UTF-16LE failed.

241126: Error obtaining WIL map information.

241127: Too few WIL map key-value pairs.

241128: Fetching map key-value pair failed.

241129: SQLite extension initialization failed.

241130: Array row index out of bounds.

241131: File open failed.

241132: File write failed.

241133: Binary buffer allocation failed.

241134: Binary buffer access error.

241135: Input does not contain an SQL statement.

241136: Parameter contains an unsupported option.