
Removes one or more database and/or statement handles from the extender's handle table.


slClose ( [object-handle] )


(s) object-handle: [optional] extender database or statement handle to release.


1 on success.


slClose accepts an extender database or statement object handle and removes it from the internal object handle table. The function also attempts to releases all resources associated with the handle. Once a handle is released it can no longer be used in any extender functions.



The unique identifier returned from a call to the slConnect or slStatement. If this parameter is not supplied the function will remove all open SQLite object handles from the extender's internal handle table.


Note: If object-handle is to a database object, all statement object handles associated with the database object are also released and can no longer be passed to extender functions.


AddExtender('ilcsl44i.dll', 0, 'ilcsl64i.dll')
; SQLite in-memory database
objdb = slConnect(":memory:")
; Close one object.
; or you can close all open objects.
See Also:

slConnect, slStatement