Note: The numbers used for "x-origin", "y-origin", "box-width", "box-height", "x", "y", "width," and "height" are expressed in a unit of measure known as "Dialog Units." Basically speaking: 1 width unit = 1/4 width of system font. 1 height unit = 1/8 height of system font. 4 units wide = Average width of the system font. 8 units high = Average height of the system font.
The WinMetrics function can help you calculate pixels per Dialog unit size. pixperunit_horz = WinMetrics(-5) pixperunit_vert = WinMetrics(-6) ScreenWidth = WinMetrics(0)/WinMetrics(-6) ;Determine screen width in dialog units ScreenHeight = WinMetrics(1)/WinMetrics(-5) ;Determine screen height in dialog units Message (ScreenWidth,ScreenHeight)
DlgWidth = ScreenWidth*0.663 ;Make a dialog 2/3 width of screen DlgHeight= ScreenHeight*0.5 ;Make a dialog 1/2 height of screen DlgX=(ScreenWidth-DlgWidth) /2 ;Determine X co-ordinate for a dialog to be centered DlgY=(ScreenHeight-DlgHeight)/2;Determine Y co-ordinate for a dialog to be centered
Here is some code that translates dialog units to pixels: ; Converts horizontal dialog units to pixels. (x axis) #DefineFunction ToPixelsHorizontal(du) Return int(du*winmetrics(-6)) #EndFunction
; Converts vertical dialog units to pixels. ( y axis) #DefineFunction ToPixelsVertical(du) Return int(du*winmetrics(-5)) #EndFunction
; Test data. nDuX = 40 ; Horizontal dimension in dialog units. nDuY = 11 ; Vertical dimension in dialog units.
; Test. nPixelsX = ToPixelsHorizontal( nDuX ) nPixelsY = ToPixelsVertical( nDuY ) Message("Dialog Units x = %nDuX%, y = %nDuy%", "Pixels x = %nPixelsX%, y = %nPixelsY%")
§ Dialog § Defining the Dialog Controls
Control Types § Calendar § Checkbox § Editbox § Groupbox § Itembox § MenuBar § MenuItem § Picture § Spinner § VaryText