FTPS Function List


fsClientDelete ( [client-handle ])

Disconnects and removes one or all FTP clients.


fsClientInit ( host, port, user-name, password, protocol )

Returns a handle to a FTP client .


fsDirCreate ( client-handle, directory-path)

Creates one or more directories on the server.


fsDirDelete ( client-handle, directory-path)

Deletes a directory on the server.


fsDirList ( client-handle, directory-path, return-type [, names-only] )

Retrieves the contents of a server directory as a list or an array.


fsDisconnect ( client-handle )

Closes the connection between an extender client and an FTP server.


fsFileAppend ( client-handle, server-file, local-offset, local-file [, create-dirs ])

Appends part or all of client file to a server file.


fsFileDelete ( client-handle, server-file )

Deletes a file from the server.


fsFileGet ( client-handle, server-file, local-file )

Downloads a server file to the client.


fsFileGetWild ( client-handle, server-wild, local-dir )

Downloads a server file(s) to a client's directory.


fsFileInfo (client-handle, server-file )

Returns information about a file.


fsFilePut (client-handle, local-file, server-file [, make-dirs] )

Uploads a file to a server optionally creating server directories.


fsGetInfo ( request# )

Returns information about the extender.