

FTPS Extender

The FTPS extender provides WinBatch® scripts basic File Transport Protocol Secure or simply FTPS functionality.  FTPS is an extension of the File Transfer Protocol that supports Transport Layer Security (TLS). The extender's TLS support provides encrypted communication between  FTPS clients and  FTPS servers on both the FTP control and data channels.


The extender supports both implicit and explicit FTPS, as will as, plain  FTP. Most servers support explicit FTPS and that is the extenders default protocol.  Implicit FTPS is consider deprecated and may not work when attempting to connect through fire wall enabled routers or from NAT based local area networks.


The extender also supports plain FTP but the WinInet extender's FTP implementation supports more FTP related functionality and should be considered instead for advanced plain FTP scripts.



To access the functions in this extender add the following to your script:


32-bit Extender


Requires:Windows Vista/2008 or newer.


64-bit Extender


Requires:Windows Vista/2008 or newer.


64-bit and 32-bit Extender


Requires:Windows Vista/2008 or newer.


Note: The FTPS extender at a minimum requires Windows Vista/2008. Attempting to load the extender into a script on earlier versions of Windows will cause a kernel exception and abrupt script termination.






The FTPS extender can…


  • Upload files to an FTP server

  • Download file from an FTP server

  • Append to files on an FTP server

  • Delete files from an FTP server

  • Create directories on an FTP server

  • Obtain directory listings of FTP server files

  • Delete directories on an FTP server


The FTPS extender cannot...


  • Provide upload or download progress information

  • Issue ad hoc FTP commands.

  • Transfer data using the SFTP protocol