
Disconnects and removes an FTP client.


fsClientDelete( [ client-handle ] )


(s) client-handle: [optional] FTPS extender client handle.


(i) 1 if successful.

Use this function to disconnect one or more FTP clients from a server and remove the client from the extender's client cache. If a client handle is passed to the function only passed-in handle is deleted. If no parameter is used all existing client handles are disconnected and deleted. A handle can no longer be used with any other extender functions after it is deleted.



An extender client handle created using the fsClientInit function. This parameter is optional.


  host = 'test.example.com'
  port = 21
  user = 'demo'
  pwd  = 'password'
  ; Create a client
  client = fsClientInit(host, port, user, pwd)
  ; Perform FTP commands here
  ; Disconnect and remove client from extender cache
See Also:

fsClientInit, fsDisconnect