Arithmetic Functions



Function list

By type




Abs( integer )

Returns the absolute value of a number.

Acos( fp_num )

Calculates the arccosine.

Asin( fp_num )

Calculates the arcsine.

Atan( fp_num )

Calculates the arc tangent.

Average( number [ ,number... ] )

Returns the average of a list of numbers.

Ceiling( fp_num )

Calculates the ceiling of a value.

Char2Num( string )

Returns the ANSI code of a string's first character.

Cos( fp_num )

Calculates the cosine.

Cosh( fp_num )

Calculates the hyperbolic cosine.

Decimals( #digits )

Sets the number of decimal points used with
floating point numbers.

Exp( fp_num )

Calculates the exponential.

Fabs( fp_num )

Calculates the absolute value of a floating-point argument.

Floor( fp_num )

Calculates the floor of a value.

Int( string/fp_num )

Converts a floating point number or a string to an integer.

IsFloat( value )

Tests whether a number can be converted to a floating point number.

IsInt( string )

Tests whether a number can be converted into a valid integer.

IsNumber( value )

Determines if a string represents a valid number.

Log10( fp_num )

Calculates the base-10 logarithm.

Loge( fp_num )

Calculates the natural logarithm.

Max( number [ ,number... ] )

Determines the highest number in a list.

Min( number [ ,number... ] )

Determines the lowest number in a list.

Num2Char( integer )

Converts a number to its character equivalent.

Random( integer )

Generates a positive random number.

Sin( fp_num )

Calculates the sine.

Sinh( fp_num )

Calculates the hyperbolic sine.

Sqrt( fp_num )

Calculates the square root.

Tan( fp_num )

Calculates the tangent.

Tanh( fp_num )

Calculates the hyperbolic tangent.

TimeAdd( datetime1, datetime2)

Adds two YmdHms variables.

TimeDiff( datetime1, datetime2)

Returns the difference between two points in time.

TimeDiffDays( datetime1, datetime2)

Returns the difference in days between the two dates.

TimeDiffSecs( datetime1, datetime2)

Returns the time difference in seconds between the two date times.

TimeJulianDay( datetime)

Returns the Julian day given a datetime.


Returns a datetime given a Julian day.

TimeSubtract(datetime, datetime difference)

Subtracts one YmdHms datetime variable from another.