String Handling
Function list
BinaryPeekStr( handle, offset, maxsize )
Extracts a string from a binary buffer.
BinaryPeekStrW( handle, offset, maxsize [,reverse-bytes] )
Extracts a Unicode string from a binary buffer.
BinaryPokeStr( handle, offset, string )
Writes a string into a binary buffer.
BinaryPokeStrW( handle, offset, string [, reverse-bytes] )
Writes a Unicode string into a binary buffer.
BinaryTagExtr( tag-struct, flags)
Returns the text between the last-returned pair of binary tags.
BinaryTagFind( tag-struct )
Finds the next binary tag.
BinaryTagIndex( tag-struct, mode )
Returns the offset of a binary tag in a buffer.
BinaryTagInit( buffer, start-tag, end-tag )
Initializes a binary tag operation.
BinaryTagLen( tag-struct, mode )
Returns the length of a binary tag.
BinaryTagRepl( tag-struct, new-string )
Replaces a binary tag with text.
Char2Num( string )
Returns the ANSI code of a string's first character.
ChrGetCodePage( request )
Gets the current code page.
ChrHexToString( hex-string )
Converts a hex string to a string.
ChrHexToUnicode( hex-string [,flag] )
Converts a hex string to a Unicode string.
ChrSetCodePage( code-page )
Sets the current WIL code page.
ChrStringToHex( string )
Converts a string to a Hex string.
ChrStringToUnicode( string )
Converts an ANSI string to a Unicode string.
ChrUnicodeToHex( Unicode-string [,flag] )
Converts a Unicode string to a Hex string.
ChrUnicodeToString( Unicode-string )
Converts a Unicode string to an ANSI string.
ClipAppend( string )
Appends a string to the end of the Clipboard.
ClipGet( )
Returns the Clipboard contents into a string.
ClipGetEx( format )
Returns the contents of the Windows clipboard in a specified format.
ClipHasFormat( format )
Determines if the clipboard contains a particular format.
ClipPut( string )
Replaces the Clipboard contents with a string.
Drop ( varname [,varname...] )
Deletes variables to recover their memory.
DropWild( variable/wildcard )
Removes variables from memory.
Environment( env-variable )
Gets a DOS environment variable.
FileExtension( filename )
Returns the extension of a file.
FileFullName( partial filename )
Returns a file name with drive and path information.
FileGet( filename [, null-char] )
Converts a file to a string variable.
FileGetW( filename [, null-char] )
Converts a file to a Unicode string variable.
FileItemize( file-list )
Builds a list of files.
FileItemPath( file-list )
Returns a delimited list of file paths
FileLocate( filename )
Finds a file within the current DOS path.
FileMapName( filename, mapping data )
Transforms a filename with a file wild-card mask and returns a new filename.
FilePath( filename )
Returns path of a file.
FilePut( filename, string )
Writes a string to a file.
FilePutW( filename, Unicode string )
Writes a Unicode string to a file.
FileRoot( filename )
Returns root of a file.
FileYmdHms( filename )
Returns a file time in the YmdHms datetime format.
IsFloat( string )
Tests whether a number can be converted to a floating point number.
IsInt( string )
Tests whether a number can be converted into a valid integer.
IsNumber( value )
Determines if a string represents a valid number.
ItemCount( list, delimiter )
Returns the number of items in a list.
ItemCountCsv( line, flags [, delimiter] )
Returns the number of items in a CSV line.
ItemExtract( index, list, delimiter )
Returns the selected item from a list.
ItemExtractCsv( index, line, flags [, delimiter] )
Returns the selected item from a CSV line.
ItemInsert( item, index, list, delimiter )
Adds an item to a list.
ItemLocate( item, list, delimiter )
Returns the position of an item in a list.
ItemRemove( index, list, delimiter )
Removes an item from a list.
ItemReplace( item, index, list, delimiter )
Replaces an item in a list.
ItemSort( list, delimiter )
Sorts a list.
Num2Char( integer )
Converts a number to its character equivalent.
ParseData( string )
Parses a passed string.
StrByteCount( string, request )
Returns the length of a string, in bytes.
StrCat( string [ ,string ] )
Concatenates strings together.
StrCharCount( string )
Counts the number of characters in a string.
StrClean( source-string, characters, replacement, match-case, mode )
Removes or replaces characters in a string.
StrCmp( string1, string2 )
Compares two strings.
StrCnt( string, sub-string, start-pos, end-pos, flags )
Counts the occurrences of a substring within a string.
StrFill( filler, length )
Builds a string from a repeated smaller string.
StrFix( base-string, pad-string, length )
Pads or truncates a string to a fixed length using characters.
StrFixBytes( base-string, pad-string, length )
Pads or truncates a string to a fixed length using bytes.
StrFixBytesL( base-string, pad-string, length )
Pads or truncates the left side of a string to a fixed length using bytes.
StrFixChars( base-string, pad-string, length )
Pads or truncates a string To a fixed length using characters.
StrFixCharsL( base-string, pad-string, length )
Pads or truncates the left side of a string to a fixed length using characters.
StrFixLeft( base-string, pad-string, length )
Pads or truncates the left side of a string to a fixed length using characters.
StriCmp( string1, string2 )
Compares two strings without regard to case.
StrIndex( base-string, sub-string, start, direction )
Locates a string within a larger string.
StrIndexNc( base-string, sub-string, start, direction )
Locates a string within a larger string, ignoring case.
StrIndexWild( string, pattern, start )
Finds wildcarded text within a larger string.
StrInsert (base-string, new-string, [pad-string [, start [, length]]])
Inserts a new string into an existing string. (Windows NT and newer)
StrLen( string )
Returns the length of a string.
StrLenWild( string, pattern, start )
Returns the length of wildcarded text within a larger string.
StrLower( string )
Converts a string to all lower-case characters.
StrOverlay( base-string, new-string, [pad-string [, start [, length]]] )
Overlays a new string onto an existing string.
StrReplace( string, old, new )
Replaces all occurrences of a sub-string with another.
StrScan( string, delimiters, startpos, direction )
Finds an occurrence of one or more delimiter characters in a string.
StrSub( string, startpos, length )
Returns a sub-string from within a string.
StrSubWild( string, pattern, start )
Extracts a substring matching wildcarded text from within a larger string.
StrTrim( string [,flag] )
Trims leading and trailing blanks from a string.
StrTrimChar( string, trim-chars [,flag] )
Trims leading and trailing charcters from a string.
StrTypeInfo( string, flag)
Gets character-type information for a string, or information for a character-type.
StrUpper( string )
Converts a string to all upper-case characters.
WinItemize( )
Lists all the main windows currently running.
WinItemizeEx( partial-winname, multiple, hidden [, return-type] )
Returns the full name of window(s) matching a partial window name.
Returns a list of all open windows and their Window ID's.
WinItemProcID( process-id, flags, return-type )
Returns a list of window ID's for the specified process.