
Returns number of clock ticks used by Windows since Windows started.


GetTickCount64( )




(1) The number of clock ticks as a 64-bit integer.


Use this function to obtain the number of "Virtual" clock ticks that have occurred since Windows was started as a 64-bit integer. For normal Windows, each virtual clock tick is about a millisecond ( 1/1000 of a second).

Note 1: This function is similar to the GetTickCount function except that a system would need run for roughly 106,751,991,167.3 days instead of 24.87 days before the return value turns negative and eventually wraps back to 0.

Note 2: Windows Vista/2008 or newer required in order to use this function.


a=GetTickCount64( )
Message("Clock Ticks", a)
See Also:

TimeDate, GetExactTime, TimeYmdHms, GetTickCount