WinBatch Console Keyboard Shortcuts



The WinBatch Console supports several keyboard shortcuts for editing, selecting, and copy/pasting operations on WIL statements.

Keyboard Shortcuts


Press this key

To do this


If the console is in multiline mode, return to single line entry mode. Otherwise, terminate the WinBatch Console application.*


Move the insertion point to the end of the current line.


Move the insertion point to the beginning of the current line.


Move the input cursor to the next tab stop.

Left arrow

Move the insertion point one cell to the left.

Right arrow

Move the insertion point one cell to the right.

Up arrow

Move up one line in the history buffer.

Down arrow

Move down one line in the history buffer.


Replace a character at the  insertion point with the space character.

Enter (Single line mode)

Execute a single WIL statement on the current line.

Enter (Multiline mode)

Start a new WIL statement without executing the previous statement. Press twice to execute multiple WIL statements.

Enter (Selection mode)

Place the selected text in the system clipboard and cancel the selection.

Ctrl + Z

Terminate the WinBatch Console application.*

Ctrl + V

Copy clipboard  text to the console window starting at the insertion point.

Ctrl + C

Copy selected text to the system clipboard and cancel the selection.

Ctrl + Break

End execution of running WIL statements.

Shift + Right arrow

Select or deselect a character and move the selection point to the right

Shift + Left arrow

Select or deselect a character and move the selection point to the left.

Shift + Up arrow

Select or deselect console display-line length characters and move the selection point up one line.

Shift + Down arrow

Select or deselect console display-line length characters and move the selection point down one line.


*Note: The WIL Exit command typed at the console prompt or placed in a console start-up script also causes WinBatch Console to terminate.



WinBatch Console

Multiline Mode



User Defined Commands