One of the requirements that User Account Control (UAC) puts on developers is that you must mark your applications with a 'manifest' to declare if the application would like to run elevated or not. This can complicate matters when trying to develop and debug scripts using WinBatch, WinBatch+Compiler and WinBatch Studio. We have made available various WinBatch tools with all the possible manifest setting combinations.
Manifest settings
Requested Execution Level Possible Requested Execution Level Values:
uiAccess Flag Possible uiAccess values
Important Applications with the uiAccess flag set to true must be code signed to start properly. In addition, the application must reside in a protected location in the file system. 'Program Files' and 'Windows\System32' are currently the two allowable protected locations. Note: You can disable this security feature through the local security policy mmc snap-in: User Account Control: Only elevate UIAccess applications that are installed in secure locations Computer Configuration\Windows Settings\Security Settings\Local Policies\Security Options\
Un-manifested Files Including a manifest is a basic requirement for an application to run properly in Vista. Vista expects all executables (especially which requires administrative rights) to have a manifest explicitly showing its run level. So an application without such manifest may behave erroneously when accessing protected resources. Applications accessing protected resources without proper manifest may result in virtualization issues.
WinBatchBy default the WinBatch.exe file provided with WinBatch has a manifest with the settings: 'Requested Execution Level: highestAvailable' and 'uiAccess Flag: True'. However, if you are trying to develop scripts with UAC on you might be prompted each time your script attempts an operation that requires a higher execution level. Therefore, we have made available various WinBatch EXEs with all the possible manifest setting combinations.
You can also give your WinBatch script a special file extension, and WinBatch will run the appropriately manifested version of WinBatch. 32-bit
WinBatch StudioBy default the WinBatch Studio.exe file provided with WinBatch has a manifest with the settings: 'Requested Execution Level: highestAvailable' and 'uiAccess Flag: True'. However, if you are trying to develop and debug scripts with UAC on you might be prompted each time your script attempts an operation that requires a higher execution level. Therefore, we have made available various WinBatch Studio EXEs with all the possible manifest setting combinations.
WinBatch+CompilerThe WinBatch+Compiler interface allows you to select the appropriate manifest for your compiled script. The SETTINGS button in the WinBatch+Compiler can be used to specify the appropriate options.
Application Manifests |